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Just joined and thought I'd say hi

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:19 am
by MikeH
Hi all

thanks for letting me join the forum, I thought I'd just pop in and introduce myself

I'm Mike and am a good friend of Bill T of Musketeer Miniatures. (spiraluk on here)
Outside of work, I am primarily a wargamer and painter, and have a large and varied figure collection, everything from ancient to Sci-fi in all sorts of scales
I have also started to collect the old GW games as a sideline interest

I guess if I was pinned down and made to choose a favorite period to game I would go for WWII and I have armies for that period in 6mm, 15mm 20mm and 28mm (I did have a 10mm army but I sold that)

so in a nut shell, I have a pile of unpainted lead which should keep me alive till I'm 90 (I've been told that wargamers cant die as long as they have an unpainted figure)
I have a sickness that makes me buy figures by the bucket load.
I don't play as much as I would like and I am still searching for the perfect set of rules

oh and my best mate produces some of the finest figures on the market, which means if I do start to make an impression on my unpainted pile, he'll just tempt me into doing an army or 2 using his figs

so basically I am doomed :wink:


Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:01 am
by quindia
Welcome, Mike! I suffer from the same afflictions, though these days I try to buy one unit at a time and paint it before getting the next one. Of course the fact that I build armies in a dozen different genres doesn't help me keep the pile of lead down... :roll:

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:42 pm
by neworks
I have only been bitten by the afflication for just over a year.

Since then its 40K, ACW, Mexican Revolution, ECW, Urban War and New Kingdom Egyptians.

The ACW now amounts 400 figures.

Thanks, I guess there is no hope for me

Oh I forgot the 6mm Orks arrived yesterday and I boughty the Infinity rulebook at the weekend.

Dave ( I'll play anything. I really do !!!)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:09 pm
by barr7430
Yes Mike Welcome :D ,

Glad to know that you have the same disease as the rest of us!


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:56 pm
by MikeH
I Guess I should stand up and proudly say:-

"My names Mike, and I'm a wargamer"