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Kingdom of Heaven

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:24 pm
by pappenheimuk
hi, guys, I know this is not really about wargames, but managed to talk my beloved into accompanying me to see 'The Kingdom of Heaven' at our local cinema (Orlando Bloom does wonders to the popularity of war films to the fairer -). I was really impressed with the show, excellent battle scenes and costumes.
It might not be historically precise but it is (imo) a really good film. Anyone else seen ot yet?

(Now where did I put those old Hinchliffe knights?)


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:02 pm
by Theo Raykoske
I saw it a few days ago. I was impressed by the costumes and aspects of the spectacle but found that I was unmoved by almost all of the characters. I thought Braveheart much less relaiable historiaclly but forgave it a lot because it was such an engaging film. See this one for the costume and Scott's usual visuals but little else I am afraid. And I love the romance of Outremer, The Templars and Saladin but this just left me cold.
PS The soundtrack was just the poor man's Gladiator.