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Buildings in the battle of Flussgarten

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:21 pm
by Marcus Maximus
Hi folks,

First post on the forum, but been a member of the newsletter since Feb.

Adter seeing your excellent photos, and guest gallery I'm keen to re-ignite my passion in SYW and Napoleonic especially 25/28mm.

What I am finding hard to buy (figures aren't an issue what with Front Rank, Foundry, Calpe etc) is 25/28mm buildings for SYW / Napoleonic european.

Can anyone point me to suitable suppliers?




Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:28 pm
by barr7430
Hi Mark & welcome to the Forum!

When we did Flussgarten the ´construction department´ was not my area of responsibility. The buildings came from Dave O´Brien, Kevin, Peter, Colin, Bob, Dale and Adrian. At least three of them are members of the Forum so maybe they will comment.

When Adrian and I did the Sedgemoor game at Partizan he supplied the buildings some of which(I think) appeared at Flussgarten. They are resin or plastic, very well painted, suitable for period 1300 to perhaps 1850. They are manufactured in China and sell painted for between 12 and 15 pounds. I think there are up to eight in total in the range. If you look on the Newark Irregulars site(go to links here) I know Richard Tyndall took a few pics of the Sedgemoor game and so you may see them in there. I will buy some when I can find them!!!

In the past I would have bought Hovels or scratch built in fact many of the buildings LoA previously used were scratchbuilt(not by me! :oops: ) but it´s really not worth it when you can buy something jjust as good for under 15 quid.

Cheers :wink:


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:50 pm
by barr7430
Damnit :evil:
the buildings are not in the pics that Richard took.. I just looked !

I have some still to upload from Partizan. Adrian´s nom de plume on the Forum is Blucher. Send him a PM and he´ll tell you where he got them.

Sorry Mark

B :oops:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:34 pm
by Anonymous
Hi Mark,
The buildings that Barry means are by a company called Conflix, I used them for the Flussgarden game and although I havn't seen Barry 's Sedgemore game in the flesh Adrian said that they were the same ones.
I got mine at last years Partizan but not sure who from. A company called Hobby box have stocked them in the past, try



Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:20 pm
by sharnydubs
Hi Mark, the truth is we scrambled about in the Flussgarten game for whatever buildings we had in our collections which looked vaguely period correct. Most half timbered or non-modern buildings both scratch built and available from the retail trade were employed.
The Conflix range are great value and have the benefit of being ready to play. I also use Hovels who have a great Russian range of log cabins as well as an extensive Napoleonic range for Waterloo as well as the Peninsular. Fining good bridges is a bit more challenging. Barry has an excellent redoubt which we used which I haven't seen available commercially.
There are good buildings in the Architectural heritage range which used to be available from Old Glory (an may still be). they have a nice one piece famhouse complex as well as individual buildings (although they roofs do not come off)

Welcome to the forum.

Prince Andrei
(aka Peter !)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:03 am
by Marcus Maximus
Thank you Barry, Kevin and Peter for info! I have seen Conflix at some Model Railway stores but wasn't sure but now you have swayed me, I will bob in and buy a couple, and I will check out thehobbybox as well.

I have to concur that Hovels would have been my first choice too. Architectural range from OG is only available from OG USA I think - I did not see any reference on the OG UK webpage. :?

I want to try and get a good mix, with very few similar looking buildings.

Well, the Sept. partizan show will be by next port of call for buildings.

Thank you again for the info. much appreciated.