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Everyone OK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:51 pm
by quindia
Hope everyone in the UK is ok - from the news it looks like you've been invaded by Vikings again!

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:21 pm
by Churchill

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:27 pm
by j1mwallace
Read the riot act. Send in the dragoons. Nothing new, Brits have been doing it since that Caesar guy came here, !

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:57 pm
by dashing blade
Dont belive the Hype. I think the media have yet more to be ashamed about . :oops:

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:57 am
by barr7430

I watched an American news channel online and you would have thought that London was being subjected to the Luftwaffe Blitz again. The reporting was verging on hysterical and suggesting that Britain was sinking into an anarchic abyss. It's a bunch of wee Neds with nothing to do who want to be on the telly. They need a good hard slap and 6 months digging sewage channels. The Police have been caught on the hop, there are always hundreds of TV cameras around as it's the Summer Silly Season with little news to broadcast so..... nice ingredients to make a riot recipe. The Government look stupid, Cameron is nervous that this will affect public perception of him(looking weak and not in charge) he also has a sore bottom from the phone hacking affaire and is unsure how much poo will stick to him, Boris is frightened it will spook Olympics visitors and the Lefties at the BBC can see a chance to make the Tories squirm (being the Party of Law and Order)...... a normal day in the UK folks :wink:
Clarence, stand the USMC down for now. Put the choppers back in their hangers, we'll be able to hold on a few days longer I think... might have a problem calling out the British Army though.... most of them are in Afghanistan and the rest have been paid off by my ex schoolchum the Defence Minister... MisRule Britannia! :lol:

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:42 am
by bibio
the government is breathing a sigh of relief that it has become a free shopping trip for the yobs because if it had gone onto an arab sping type of protest they would have been stymied , everybody in this country has a grype about something and if they all took to the streets in peaceful demonstration the government would have to take notice and party dogma would have to be replaced by government by the people for the people.As it is I think we'll see the cuts in police and army being re visitedwhen Cameron realises that we are not all init togetherand there are a lot of people that have nothiong to lose by rocking the apple cart.
I also think if I lived down south I'd be worriedthat my local police force is being weakened by being drafted into London,And if it kicked off in my area and the police could'nt cope for lack of numbers I'd be screaming blue murder.


Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:05 am
by dashing blade
Iain wrote
[I also think if I lived down south I'd be worriedthat my local police force is being weakened by being drafted into London,And if it kicked off in my area and the police could'nt cope for lack of numbers I'd be screaming blue murder.

i Belive South Wales was deserted of Law enforcement last night,Thanks to the media everyone knows where they were. Thats aiding and abetting.

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:31 am
by j1mwallace
I did laugh when I saw that some of the shops in a row had been broken into and looted. Standing pristine in the middle was a Waterstones bookshop. Obviously the yobs have trouble with this reedin an ritin

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:53 am
by BP
being in central Manchester was interesting last night. Its just feral kids thieving but the police have there hands - by the left wing apologists and handwringers. The police are rightly concerned that the more robust policing of similar situations in the past will now see them prosecuted.

25 years of too soft criminal and social policies have led to this.


Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:54 am
by barr7430
I heard a 'young lady' being interviewed during the riot aftermath..

Why are you doing it?
To get at the rich peepul innit
But surely you have been trashing your neigbours shops and houses in your own community?
Yeah, to get at the rich peepul innit
I hope we can do it again tonight....

Well you can't argue with that............

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:38 am
by bibio
Would that include workshop and foundry if so will there be a lot of cheap figures on Ebay soon? :twisted:
As for waterstones I must be a more educated looter thats the sort of shop I would be going for :lol:


Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:49 pm
by jimmigoggles
Well three dead half a mile down the road from here in Brum.

Apparently a young couple took their baby daughter out in a push chair to see 'a bit of history'. Getting back at the Police?!

With Police forces having their hands -, their politically correct masters worried what someone might think if they deal properly with the criminals. No deterrent if they are arrested (Magistrates will probably only give community sentences for violent disorder or theft, not riot, that could get them 10 years). And if they are sent to prison, their sentence will auto matically be halved on remission, then they may get another quater off for early release. That must be worth a few electrical items and a pot shot at a copper.

Oh, and Police horse aren't fashionable, so we'll get rid of them.

Sorry, but i'm sick to the gills with the lot of them.

Now, who designs urban unrest figures?.............

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:13 pm
by barr7430
Deano!!!!!... you're ALIVE!!!!! :D

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:40 pm
by kippax
Gonna put my hoodie on tonight and chuck my wheelie bin into the middle of my street... can see the neighbours faces right now :shock: :lol: :lol:
On a more pressing matter Foundry have cancelled there ACW open day due to problems of pickpockets in Nottingham area.
Time to give the army some real training with safetys OFF :wink:
Send in the Rubber bullets
Targets fall when it :)
Watch and Shoot
Watch and Shoot

Re: Everyone OK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:47 pm
by quindia
jimmigoggles wrote:Now, who designs urban unrest figures?............. ... D=7&CID=3# :oops:

Glad everyone's safe... hopefully the wee Neds and yobs (I'm writing these down for inclusion in my vocabulary in the future) are dealt with shortly. I agree with Ray - pass out the bayonets.