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Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:52 pm
by Orctrader
My first post here so forgive me if this is the wrong area.

By way of introduction I'm only a painter - my website is in the signature - and intend to paint a unit or two. Drawn in by the recent transfer and re-branding of Copplestone's "Glory of the Sun" to Northstar - 1672 I've purchased one of the foot Battalion packs and ordered a copy of BLB2 - having read reviews that mentioned "painted regiments/guides."

Now, painting more than 10 figures will be something of a departure for me and, time being short, I will likely modify my technique. Perusing the galleries here I see lots of nicely painted red and scarlet coats so would appreciate comments on "how you paint yours?"

Number of layers, which (red) paints used, etc. :)

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:35 pm
by Churchill

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:51 am
by quindia
Hi, Orctrader!

This is as good a spot as any for your question. I am lazier than Churchill's painter. I generally use triads and count this as good enough for turning out regiments.

For a bright red, I tend to use Vallejo Red (70926), Flat Red (70957), and final highlights of Scarlet (817)...


For a faded, campaign look I use Foundry's Terracotta A, B, and C...


Hope that helps!

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:10 am
by EvilGinger
For British red coats I use Miniature Paints dark Red as a base coat for officers and Miniature Painters Terracotta for Nco's highlight is Miniature painters scarlet for both & low Light is to darken the mid colour to taste with Miniature Painters Umber, though in bulk I only base coat and then highlight and then wash with a mixture of Umber & Gloss varnish which has the same effect. Peat ink also works for this, but needs a little bit of Varnish to fix it.

Sashes I tend to do scarlet & highlight with orange which I blend in with red ink & very light drybrush works well I find.

:evil: Ginger

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:59 pm
by Orctrader
Thanks for the recipes. Useful. Very, very useful. :)

(And some lovely looking figures.)

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:58 pm
by barr7430
You use colour in a very interesting way in your own minis to. Had a look round your galleries... nice brushwork 8)

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:36 am
by quindia
barr7430 wrote:You use colour in a very interesting way in your own minis to. Had a look round your galleries... nice brushwork 8)
+1 - nice work!

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:56 am
by Ben Waterhouse
Very, very nice figures Mr Orcrader; I like the bright clear colours and the smooth change in highlighting especially on the Front Rank civilians on your site.


Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:15 pm
by obriendavid
He's even into Project X just like you Barry :lol:

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:30 pm
by Orctrader
Thank you gentlemen for the kind words on my painting. :oops: Glad you enjoyed browsing my website. :D

As mentioned in my original post, having decided to try painting a unit rather than single miniatures or groups of just a few figures I'll need to experiment with some "faster" painting techniques. Currently, usually takes me a few hours just on a single "simple" figure. So with 24 for the BLB battalion I'm going to try and reduce the time-per-figure, if only slightly. (Bit of a perfectionist. :roll: )

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:57 pm
by Churchill

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:15 pm
by Orctrader
Great looking unit Ray. :)
Churchill wrote:...Depending on the time period a futher Pike base behind the command base.
That's what I went for. As I said, drawn in by the ex-Glory of the Sun battalion deal from North Star. :roll:

And now I have them they are such great figures I want to paint them...eventually.

Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:18 pm
by CoffinDodger
There's a wee shot of one of my Copplestone units: in this case it's Dorrington's.


Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:27 pm
by john_de_courcy
Great figures Ray, Clarence and Jim.

So nice figs on the website also Orctrader.

Some good ideas for red.

Interesting as i am painting my first red unit. I did a 5 step thing to probably achieve something similar to triad. :lol:

VMC burnt cad. red base, heavy highlight VGC Gory Red, wash GW Baal Red, highlight VGC Gory Red+ VGC Blood Red (1:1), final highlight VGC Blood red.

I wouldn't recommend my method, it was just the paints i had at the time and it was very ad hoc but it looked ok in the end so am repeating it til i have finished the unit My game colour red paints are quite thin so are quite transparent which probably makes my approach work ok. Having said that I have started to pick up some more model colour reds to try the next time.

Pictures of the finished unit will probably be up somewhere around here in a week or so.


EDIT: here is a pic of the red from the method I mentioned:-


Re: Painting "Red Coats"

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:18 pm
by Belg
Churchill wrote:Hi ?


As you can see he uses many different colours combined in layers and highlights before getting to the end result.

Hope this helps,

Congratulations for your excellent work of painting.
I noticed that you have painted the Trumpeter's uniform with the same color as that of the troop, instead of "inverse color" as I found it written for the drummers of the Infantry.
Do You have found sources from which it follows that the uniform of Cavalry Trumpeters was the same color as that of troops?
Please, can you give me the source?

On the other hand, I then noticed that the Officer, Ensign and Trumpeter have the color of the horse blanket in "inverse color". From what source have you taken this information?
The Officers, Ensign and Trumpeters of Cavalry did they have the
the horse's blanket in the "inverse color", opposite to that of troops?
Thank you.