Imagi-Nation Blog. Set in 1708

Forum for discussion about Wargaming, Painting, Books, Terrain, Research and general banter!
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Justin Penwith
First Sergeant
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Imagi-Nation Blog. Set in 1708

Post by Justin Penwith » Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:27 am


I have recently begun an imagi-nation project to be the background for my WIP WSS army. Since I am using Barry's most excellent BLB2 rules at the tactical level, I thought to pass along word of my project to others who have similar interests.

This is the site: and while I have not "officially" begun posting there (as I want to keep all posts "in character" and am working on a map and other items) I _have_ written a brief alternate history for the nation I am creating and its neighbors.

I invite you all to come and read through the summary, and solicit your comments and criticisms on same. It may be reached by selecting the A Brief History of the World tab at the top of the page, under the blog title.

In a matter of weeks, I hope to roll out a map of the region, photos of the army, as well as a goodly amount of the campaign rules that I am bastardizing from various published rules systems ( I won't post previously published tables, rules, etc, but will be posting my modifications and rationale).

I am a wargamer; I wargame. I paint wargaming miniatures and, every so often, I blog about it at :
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