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Alex Buchel's HYW Campaign GWHQ Nottingham

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:55 pm
by Atheling
As some of you may remember a bunch of wargamers used to gather together at GWHQ twice a year in order to take part in a WAB campaign. There was always a great choice of campaigns from Greek and Persians, The Wars of Alexander and his Successors, Imperial Roman Conflicts, Republican Roman Exploits...... but by far my favourite ones were the 'Dark Age' (actually Early Medieval) campaigns run by Gripping Beast. The best of all though had to be the moment that I, as Regent John of Bedford set out to continue down illustrious path of my brother, King Henry V, and defend the Realm of France from French incursions for the nine month old baby who was to become King Henry VI.

Needless to say the English faction failed miserably, in fact that is a huge understatement, we lost all of France including Calais!! I, of course, put this down to then fact that Alex was writing up the HYW Army book for WAB at the time and the army lists were in a state of flux. surely it couldn't be down to the complete incompetence of the English faction and their great Leader John of Bedford?!?

Here's a few pics that i've dug up from my website that are quite nice, although the camera I had at the time was beginning to die on me.

My website:

The Pics (please don't ask me what the Teutonic Knights are doing in one of the pics- they weren't mine!):








Hope you enjoyed (my) blast from the past :smt003 .
