LOA helpfull points maybee? And small talk.

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LOA helpfull points maybee? And small talk.

Post by lenin » Sun May 08, 2005 12:56 am

Hi all,
1. The ULB rules are great. Hoever in several places you state that smaller scraps, such as Sedgemoor, are better dealt with using '1644' rules, no longer available, so would it be posible to see s set of rules designed to reflect Pike and Shott/ECW/Restration Wars (I've tried Warhammer ECW but am not enamoured of them).
2.I may be stupid ( some would say, 'Why maybe!!'), but could you explain your reasoning behind your choice of base sizing? Call me a lazy git, but the 'Evil Empire' produce redy made bases and 50mmx50mm just happens to be my favourite. Could I stretch the base size 5mm thereby making my life easier?
3.There are a recently published set of scenario books dealing with the period 1680-1717, These books are written by Stephen Danes, published by Partzan Press, and go under the titles of 'The Lace Wars Scenarios'. There are four scenario books and a main rule book, you also get the bonus that each book comes with a number of scale flags!!
Cheers, Andy (Lenin)
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Post by barr7430 » Sun May 08, 2005 9:00 am

Hi Andy,

I don't think any questions are stupid and am glad to answer.

1. Please try ULB for smaller scale battles. It is not that it doesn't work it's just that it was primarily designed for the large linear battles of the late 17th early 18th century(I have another set for the GNW which is unlike any other European war of the period). I use 1644 for the smaller scale engagements because I am very comfortable with them through playing many games in the ECW/TYW period. Of course they have little quirks but overall;logical, fun and a smooth game. I will eventually get round to prepping up in house amendments to them and posting it in the Rules Archive.

2. Base sizes, no esoteric explanation for base sizes just pragmatism!;

Many wargames collections for horse and musket use a frontage which in my opinion is far too wide: 20mm. It leaves large gaps even between the the larger figures now prevalent in the market place. I felt that with periods from 1600-1870 This did not look right for close order infantry and tended to make them look more like a bunch of 100 re enactors trying to look like the Old Guard!
I therefore defaulted back to the 'ancients' frontage of 15mm per figure giving a boxi-er looking effect with the men shoulder to shoulder.


1. Aesthetic(from my perspective) and more in keeping with actual look.
2. Reduced frontage per unit therefore : more manoeuvre room on table or space for more units! thus more tactical or bigger battles.
3. Storage

Reason number one was my primary objective. I use this frontage per figure for all my close order troops from Roman Legions to Confederate Infantry. I also put my cavalory on 20mm frontage instead of 25mm

3. Using the Evil Empire's bases will not make a blind bit of difference, what's 5mm between friends? :oops: As long as you are not playing with rules lawyers it will not affect the game in the slightest. There is a specific mention of base size modifications and how it impacts on shooting in the Basing Section of ULB.

Use what you feel is easiest and looks good Andy, they can't touch you for it!! :lol:

Hope this explains all.


Barry :wink:
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