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Dodge City

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:41 am
by nevermore
Dodge City

For over 20 years after the Civil War, cowboys coaxed herds of cattle along arduous trails from the Texas grasslands north to the railheads in Kansas. At the end of the trail lay the infamous cow towns, the "Sodoms of the plains", places such as Abilene, Hays City, Wichita, Ellsworth and Dodge City. After following a slow moving herd of cattle along a dusty trail for as many as three months, these towns offered the cowboy a place to take a bath, gamble, find a woman, eat some good food and let off some steam. The towns accommodated their visitors with a liberal attitude towards their boisterous behavior. There were limits, however, and the towns hired enforcers to maintain a semblance of law and order. Law officers such as Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Luke Short and Bat Masterson became legends.

The prosperity of these towns continued only as long as the railroad provided a railhead. As the railroad moved farther west the towns fizzled while another took its place. Some, like Newton, Kansas, lasted only one season. Dodge City lasted much longer, but when the railroads pushed their tracks into Texas and closer to the grazing land, Dodge's days as a cattle town ended.

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The Victorian Outpost is a new building created at the beginning of 2016, we can cater for almost any period and we now have the support of "Adrians Walls" and "Hovels Buildings" who have come on board.

Victorian Outpost has quickly become the number one wargaming place in Grimsby with its friendly welcome and fun place to visit, please pm myself to arrange a set time and date.

More photos on the website at
Thanks Malc