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The True Cross crusade in the holy land

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:03 am
by nevermore
The true cross, if you have watched the film Kingdom of Heaven you know what its all about,
this is only a small demo game to the big one we have coming up on the 23rd so it was a case
of tweaking the rules here and there and getting it right for the day.
Another 50 photos of this action on the main website..."God Wills It"








Re: The True Cross crusade in the holy land

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:09 am
by Emir of Askaristan
Looking good.

Nice wagons.... Now where did you get that priest in front of the cross..... He's an old figure isn't he!?

Re: The True Cross crusade in the holy land

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:17 am
by nevermore
Emir of Askaristan wrote:Looking good.

Nice wagons.... Now where did you get that priest in front of the cross..... He's an old figure isn't he!?

You know what a guy at the club gave it me so i don't really know who made it, wagons made from balsa wood and i cut up my sons tee-shirt into squares and pva glued them on the horse and wagons, wheels were passed onto me just made the most of them, the cross is from a cheap sea-side necklace, pretty easy to make one of those wagons really nothing hard to do.