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Romans - Severus to Diocles

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:06 pm
by Theo Raykoske

Check out the new releases from AandA miniatures. There are two ranges, both quite comprehensive and covering neglected eras in Roman history.

The Palmyrans are set to expand soonish, too!


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:13 pm
by Theo Raykoske

Additions to the range named above will be:

a) 2 packs of mounted commanders, each pack containing emperor/general, trumpeter and standard bearer:

b) Roman camels, including a command pack.

I have seen most of the figures and am impressed. I admit to a bias since I have lots of the earlier range but these are good, solid figures with great helmets. Moreoevr, the period 185-320 has few if any ranges out there - in 28mm at least. It is now possible to field armies from the time of Marcus Aurelius, through Aurelian to Constantine. Visit the website and have a look at what is already there.

At last, a range of Romans that does not rely on having to use the same single command figures for all the command stands! And camels!


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:39 pm
by Theo Raykoske

The range has expanded since my last post. A Palmyran range is on the way, too!
