17th-18th(ish) Cossacks

OK, so after two years I've finally given in to having a section of the FORUM specifically set up to discuss painting techniques, display examples, show your latest projects and chat about this vital part of the hobby. Manufacturers please feel free to post up your sculpts, ask questions about what the gamers are after and generally promote your work.. no charge! Painters, please also feel free to post up your work for comment and critique. I can't promise the unreserved adulation characteristic of some other fora but I would hope you'd get constructive and measured comment!
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17th-18th(ish) Cossacks

Post by Robartes » Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:22 am

In my gaming group we've recently embarked on one of the CS Grant / Phil Olley mini campaigns (the Raid on St Michel one). I've set the 'campaign' in Ingria in the early 1700s, so it features Swedes and Russians as the opposing forces.

As the Grant style of 'tabletop teaser' often makes use of light troops (both infantry and cavalry) I'm now painting up some Cossacks to serve in that role. Here's the first batch:


They're based on slightly long bases so that when closed up they have the same footprint as a normal BLB cavalry squadron.
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