Romano British

OK, so after two years I've finally given in to having a section of the FORUM specifically set up to discuss painting techniques, display examples, show your latest projects and chat about this vital part of the hobby. Manufacturers please feel free to post up your sculpts, ask questions about what the gamers are after and generally promote your work.. no charge! Painters, please also feel free to post up your work for comment and critique. I can't promise the unreserved adulation characteristic of some other fora but I would hope you'd get constructive and measured comment!
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Romano British

Post by EvilGinger » Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:31 pm

I am doing some late Romans from a mixture of makers as a Romano British force for a yet to be published Lardie rules set I am being distracted from the 17th 18th century to play test.

Pictures to follow shortly I hope.

:evil: Ginger
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