Controversial Grenadier Royaux?

OK, so after two years I've finally given in to having a section of the FORUM specifically set up to discuss painting techniques, display examples, show your latest projects and chat about this vital part of the hobby. Manufacturers please feel free to post up your sculpts, ask questions about what the gamers are after and generally promote your work.. no charge! Painters, please also feel free to post up your work for comment and critique. I can't promise the unreserved adulation characteristic of some other fora but I would hope you'd get constructive and measured comment!
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Adam Hayes
Posts: 350
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:26 pm
Location: Brentwood, UK

Controversial Grenadier Royaux?

Post by Adam Hayes » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:07 am

Almost finished a battalion of Grenadiers Royaux for my SYW French army. As one of our small group already has a couple of battalions of the Grenadiers de France I decided to do mine as the Grenadiers Royaux.

I have precisely zero evidence that any of them ever wore a bearskin but quite a few French grenadiers and cavalry seem to have adopted it unofficially so it is not beyond the bounds of possibility.

I need to finish up the bases and the flag for a game on Saturday. Despite their (dubious) elite status I expect them to suffer from the new figure jinx and get destroyed by the most lowly frei korp opponent available!
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