Historical 25/09/93 save Shrader

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Lieutenant General
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Historical 25/09/93 save Shrader

Post by nevermore » Tue May 01, 2012 10:45 am

Historical-25th September 1993

The Blackhawk was looking for a mortar which had been fired earlier at United Nations positions, the United Nations said in a statement
It said the aircraft was apparently hit by a rocket-propelled grenade near the old port in the center of Mogadishu, but in an area controlled by a fugitive warlord, Gen. Mohamed Farrah Aidid.
American, Pakistani and Malaysian soldiers were sent to the scene and were engaged by militiamen in a firefight, the United Nations said.
Scenario taken from Day of the Rangers

Pakistani, US and Malaysian relief force was sent to rush to the helicopter and help Shrader and
his co-pilot ... this accured a week before the famous Black Hawk Down book and movie.

US sections took the right flank Pakistani center and Malaysian took the left, after a couple of hours gaming the scenario the US force managed to reach the down helicopter, the Pakistan section losted all its men while the Malayians got pinned down in the back streets but help contribute to the secure of Sharder and co-pilot.

70 more photos of this scenario on the main website.

The battle field

Malaysian section on the left while the Pakistani section takes center

US section on the right

Another Pakistani section covers a street

Malaysian soldier covers a street

Malaysian section pinned down

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