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Fighting in buildings

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:56 pm
by Darkman
As there is nothing in the rules for fighting for built up areas, I just wondered how other people handle it.

How many buildings or sort of ground area does a battalion occupy in a BUA.
How do they fire and do they have any advantages in melee?


Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:08 pm
by Darkman
So no one fights in buildings/BUA then?

I am not asking for a ruling just peoples ideas of how they play.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:38 am
by barr7430
I deliberately did not answer this post to see what people came up with. Nothing it seems :lol:

Most games I have fought treated BUA as scenery not to be used OR as Hard cover. I would be first to admit that the subject is not covered well in BLB. I have spent a lot of time perfecting new and I believe innovative rules for BUA in Republic to Empire. These would transfer with some adaptations to BLB. I am slowly coming around to the conclusion that I will have to publish something new to support the increasing interest in BLB and also the way in which gamers are now finding real areas of opportunity to expand the mechanisms.
I have long wanted to bring out a scenarios book and it may be that I incorporate additional rules and amendments into that.
The R2E project will be finished soon and I need to turn my sights to something new.... :idea:

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:48 am
by Darkman
Thanks for the reply Barry.

We have a big game next week and I still have to do the building bases. I am tempted to allow one building to allow one Battalion. Obviously the base area would be the same as 2 Battalions.

However what would be best for units firing. I imagine that only the first rank would fire but that other ranks might pass muskets forward. Also that all units should be disordered. And how much fire from each side.

So not disiplined fire but sufficient to stop units from charging. Not all the bases firing from one side. Also difficult to be pushed out of in combat unless worn down. (might they count as always supported?)


Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:10 am
by barr7430

I think I will upload an abridged version of the R2E FIBUA rules into the WARCHEST over the next couple of days so that you can read how it is going to be done there.
Here are some key points:

1. Formations do not exist in BUA
2. I am allowing half of a unit to fire in any direction from a BUA (for BLB you could dice for 1 or 2 stands per shooting turn)
3. Rested weapons modifiers should be applied
4. Troops inside BUA are not disordered because there are no formations but this has several knock on fx for attackers and defenders..
I can see this post will get longer and longer so will stop now and upload the doc!