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Expanding bases (a formation question)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:16 pm
by Marechal de France
Both cavalry and infantry can expand one base, by deducting half their movement in a turn, thus having the opportunity to advance and at the same time change (or start to change) from a column into a line formation.

For the cavalry it is quite easy as during this manoeuvre they are at the end in line formation, as only having two bases per squadron.

But in what formation is the infantry after one turn of expanding its column into line with two bases, while the other is still lagging behind and obviously going to expand the next turn?

The question came up in our last game, especially as it is not mentioned as either one of the 3 formations for infantry (column, line or square).

I'd say it is already deployed in linear formation for 2 bases and could, if necessary, fire this way in the same turn.
(Or is this thinking too Napoleonic for this time of less ability to change formations?)