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charge and rout

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:28 pm
by markdo
Here are my latest Q's based on a skirmish today. All help welcomed!

Drilled horse successfully roll to charge Raw foot. Raw foot stay and melee ensues. Raw foot lose.
P47 says they will rout automatically. Am I right in thinking then that they do NOT roll for morale in that case in the next step of sequence of play?

Q2: as this rout move occurs at the beginning of the next turn, does the Raw infantry player conduct a morale check at this point for "friendly foot are routing" OR does this occur in the NEXT turn after the rout has taken place?


Re: charge and rout

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:13 pm
by flick40
Am I right in thinking then that they do NOT roll for morale in that case in the next step of sequence of play?

Correct, they do not need to check morale as they are already routing due to losing one bound of melee. They can check in the next turn morale phase provided they are still around and have an order to do so.
Does the Raw infantry player conduct a morale check at this point for "friendly foot are routing" OR does this occur in the NEXT turn after the rout has taken place?
Yes, the units in range and LOS of the routing unit would take their morale check in the same turn the unit was routed. Any that fail move in the compulsory move step, to include the unit that triggered all this, of the next turn.


Re: charge and rout

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:26 am
by markdo
Thanks Joe