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Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:43 pm
by barr7430
My God, what on earth is going on on TMP with regard to 'glossy books'?
Poor Sam Mustafa is having to don armour and carry sword and shield to defend his/my right to publish what we want...

That thread is astonishing and it looks like a TWAT MAGNET....

Many thanks to anyone who is a member there and here who has posted a balanced point of view from the publishers side. Clarence and I are hardly living it up on the proceeds.. we are in cost recovery phase right now despite sales of circa 500 units..

And by the way a very special thanks from both of us for supporting our enterprise 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:23 pm
by Coyote
You know what I've found to be one of the main causes of this type of frothing? They're envious that their favorite wargames rules don't look so nice.

Personally, I know that there's a decent chance I may never play R2E, much like I've never really played Wh40k, FB, Mordheim, Warmaster, Warmaster Ancients, Starship Troopers or The Face of Battle.

Thus, I like that reading the book is an enjoyable act by itself, which R2E is.
When I get a chance there'll be some sort of rant on my blog.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:08 pm
by barr7430
Tyler.. I truly look forward to your rant :lol:

I let my wife read that stuff.. she honestly couldn't believe it...

She looked at me sideways as if to say..

"I always knew there was something funny about you... you are like one of these guys ranting on this forum aren't you??' cue... Psycho music and me dressed up ion Norman Bates outfit :shock:

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:56 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
Hello Barry,

As bad as that thread is it is mere childs play. I have read threads were supposive professional authors and historians have gotten into name calling and personal attacks on each other.

Some of the duels are like the Napoleonic movie 'The Duel'.


ps: as a rule I try to avoid TMP but as a famous man once said 'Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in'.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:26 am
by j1mwallace
Sorry but I tend to find that the majority of these frothers are wargamers I wouldn't care to know.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:23 am
by kiwipeterh
TMP can be akin to an unruly school yard. Egos, agendas and blabber mouths can run riot at times.

Is it the anonymity that brings out the worst in some people 'over there'? But the same doesn't hold true on many other admittedly smaller forums.

The place can frustrate me. Such a potentially marvelous resource that never reaches its potential with burnt out or shouted down contributors whom have a lot to offer but who are fleeing, have fled or are banned! :shock:

von Peter himself

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:13 am
by barr7430
I was pretty freaked out by the level of f***wittery going on there. Anyway, my wife had a laugh :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:00 am
by Duke of Plaza-Toro
Read all 4 pages of that TMP thread (I'm assuming I got the right one...) during my lunch break today. Good grief.... :shock:

What with all the raging about the pros and cons of cheaper PDF downloads, and whether or not 'glossy' rules are nothing more than either a) naked profiteering or b) a smoke screen to disguise poorly thought out rules - I kept coming back to my original thought that Sam Mustafa's Lasalle rules (hard back - full colour - author's proven past pedigree) at US$42.99 (we're selling them at just AU$44.00 here in Oz) are actually very good value for money, potentially providing the buyer with hours and hours of entertainment for the price of half a tank of petrol in the family car (at least here in Melbourne it is...).

Never mind - I might add that we've already sold lots of Lasalle's, have lots of pre-orders for Republic to Empire, and we've sold all of the few copies of 'Black Powder' we managed to source (even at a princely AU$75.00) and we're gone in search h of more. So at least there's some discerning historical gamers left out there.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:17 am
by j1mwallace
I am sort of the unofficial rules reader at our club. The other guys tend to buy rules but I quite like reading them. I've been through both Black Powder and the new Napoleonic rules via Foundry. Black Powder is very well presented as a book. I would definitely consider them as a book. Very nicely presented but the rules are not for us. No criticism of them , well written and witty but too generic I think.Foundry napoleonics , again are very nicely produced and again i would have them as a book.
No spanish rules in the peninsula though?
I like my rules glossy and well produced. Aesthetically far more pleasing but I suppose you pays your money..... or you don't

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:36 pm
by CoffinDodger
Oh dearie dearie me,

My last four rules purchases have been Beneath the Lily Banners, Foundry's Napoleon, Black Powder and Republic to Empire. The first three I have read cover to cover and I am about half way through RtE. I have thoroughly enjoyed each of them.

I admit to being a sucker for well produced rule books and have drawn inspiration from all of them with BtLB getting me to part with more hard earned cash by drawing me into a period for which I did not have troops.

The comments on TMP are puerile and a waste of bandwith reminiscent of some of the arguements put forward in the early seventies whenever a new set of rules came out that challenged the norm. We are now spoiled for choice and are seeing a resurgence of wargaming. Gone are the days when an A5 un-illustrated black and white publication met the needs of our ilk. They served their purpose but, we have moved on and rightly so.

As far as I am concerned it's the middle digit to the naysayers and I look forward to the next glossy effort, whether it be Mr Mustapha's or further episodes in the hopefully continuing saga of BtLB and RtE.

And that's my tuppence worth.


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:41 pm
by flick40
I would rather have a glossy well presented set of rules with examples of play and design notes than a low cost black and white DBA styled rule book.

I'm not a big Napoleonic player but will eventually get RTE to add to my collection of rules.

Sod off to the TMP boardies with their negative energy.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:51 pm
by CoffinDodger
H19280 REPUBLIC TO EMPIRE: Napoleonic wargames rules / Hilton, B Latest rules from THE LEAGUE. paperback. You don't get many pages for your money but it's full colour and a delight to read £27.99

Just to keep the pot stirring, the above is a direct quote from Caliver Books' monthly newsletter (bold added by me).

I sincerely hope they are taking the p*ss. Unless my irony button is off, I thought I actually got a hell of a lot for my money.


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:07 pm
by barr7430

if I say that subterfuge was used to obtain, against my express wishes copies of R2E to distribute through that site I would be pretty much on the money.

As long as my sphincter points to the south I would not do business with him. He covets that which he is denied!

BLB was obtained through a similar circuitous route... amazing what happens when you refuse to sell something to someone,,, they just go to any lengths to get it...

If I was a poor, penniless author scratching a living from knocking up hack articles to feed my starving children I might feel a little different.. but hey ho..
I am not :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:48 pm
by Duke of Plaza-Toro
CoffinDodger wrote:H19280 REPUBLIC TO EMPIRE: Napoleonic wargames rules / Hilton, B Latest rules from THE LEAGUE. paperback. You don't get many pages for your money but it's full colour and a delight to read £27.99

Just to keep the pot stirring, the above is a direct quote from Caliver Books' monthly newsletter (bold added by me).

I sincerely hope they are taking the p*ss. Unless my irony button is off, I thought I actually got a hell of a lot for my money.

Yes - I took a sharp intake of breath when I saw that on my Caliver email update and thought "I hope Barry doesn't see that..."

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:05 pm
by Anonymous
Yeah, I got the same news from Caliver and unsubscribed.

But who does this place on e-bay???

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ah found the name
eBay My World: davet329 The dave-T-Shop

What they are thinking?