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Error in the heat of Battle! P124 R2E

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:08 am
by barr7430
Page 124, Phase 1: The French
The 2&3/1 Leger acting under ADVANCE orders takes a Single Unit Action of MOVE. It halts within charge range of the Nassau to let them attempt to react, and continues moving after that reaction fails.

ADVANCE orders do not allow the unit advancing to move closer than charge distance without changing orders. the 2&3/1 Leger should have halted at that distance and either defaulted to DEFEND or changed orders to ATTACK.

An error in the game transcribed to an error in the text. :oops:

Of course.. anyone who reads this will know for sure.
Thank you to Hawkeye Harrison who spotted it.. (whilst playing!) :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:05 am
by quindia
What about units acting under MOVE Brigade Orders? Can they move closer than charge range? The text doesn't say - I've been playing that no unit can move closer than charge range without ATTACK orders.

What is 'charge range' for units in formations that are not allowed to charge (like Column of Companies, etc). Do units in formations not allowed to charge provoke Charge Threat Reactions (i.e Column of March or Column of Companies).

These have never come up in my games because I've always changed to Column of Attack or Line before getting into that situation, but the question came up at ... arter.html as a blogger is attempting a 'walk through'.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:13 pm
by barr7430
What about units acting under MOVE Brigade Orders? Can they move closer than charge range? The text doesn't say - I've been playing that no unit can move closer than charge range without ATTACK orders.

This is an omission. MOVE has the same restrictions as ADVANCE with regard t proximity to the enemy. Troops with MOVE orders who come within their own charge reach must go to DEFEND as a default if not voluntarily changed to something else.

What is 'charge range' for units in formations that are not allowed to charge (like Column of Companies, etc). Do units in formations not allowed to charge provoke Charge Threat Reactions (i.e Column of March or Column of Companies).

Refer to P84 Column 3 bottom:

Charge threat is only invoked if the threatening unit

1. Has ATTACK Orders
2. Is within charge reach
3. Is in a formation in which is it allowed to charge.
This narrows its invocation somewhat

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:05 pm
by quindia
I knew the bit about the Charge Threat was in there but I could find it before I posted (I probably stopped reading somewhere in the second column on page 84).

I have been treating MOVE orders exactly the same way as ADVANCE as far as charging and didn't even think about it until reading the battle sequence in the book - wondered if I was the one who was off!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:45 am
by quindia

We still missed out on one aspect of my question...

What is 'charge range' for formations not allowed to charge? I understand they can't launch a charge. What I mean is, if a line battalion is in Column of Companies and moving toward the enemy under ADVANCE Brigade Orders, how close can they move before being forced to halt and shift to DEFEND orders?

All of my games have been on 4x6' tables so my units normally start out ready for action, but if one blunders into the enemy in the wrong formation, where should they be forced to stop?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:32 am
by barr7430
Indeed... I did not clarify that in the text.

Easy decision... the furthest distance they could charge in any formation that they can adopt.
Likely to be column of attack for infantry. Line for cavalry.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:09 am
by quindia

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:59 pm
by John Michael

I have been lurking here for a while. I am that "blogger who is attempting a walkthrough". So I presume the fact the the 1/26e could take the position it did under brigade MOVE orders opposite the Foot Artillery and within 14" of Caçadores and the 21st Line, is that it does not meet ALL of the following criteria.
Refer to P84 Column 3 bottom:

Charge threat is only invoked if the threatening unit

1. Has ATTACK Orders
2. Is within charge reach
3. Is in a formation in which is it allowed to charge.
This narrows its invocation somewhat!

Please see ... arter.html


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:49 pm
by barr7430
Really nice blog JM. Welcome to hte forum too!... don't lurk!.. POST! :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:33 pm
by quindia
I have been lurking here for a while. I am that "blogger who is attempting a walkthrough". So I presume the fact the the 1/26e could take the position it did under brigade MOVE orders opposite the Foot Artillery and within 14" of Caçadores and the 21st Line, is that it does not meet ALL of the following criteria.

John, you also had an impassable river between the units so regardless of charge ranges, formations, etc. there would be no Charge Threat Reaction required...