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Republic to Empire at SALUTE 2010

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:19 pm
by barr7430
We ran an 8 x 6 segment of Waterloo at SALUTE yesterday. My thanks to David Imrie, Peter McCarroll and Dave O'Brien for their invaluable help in answering questions, explaining mechanisms and engaging with the large volume of interested gamers who visited our table.
The day was very successful from my perspective as we were able to show R2E in action and give people a chance to through dice, move troops and understand what was going on.
I was greatly encouraged by the comments and feedback and I understand sales of the book through Victrix, Dave Thomas and Reiver were good during the show.

Many questions about the next weekender and of course several requests to run something south of the bprder. There is no lack of willing from me on this but the logistics are far trickier than running it on home turf.

I did not have time to see the show at all and my purchasing was restricted to 3 visits: Warlord for Dip, Antenocitis for Tufts and a bookseller for a book... oh yes I also picked up 4 nice painted command figures from DT!

If I saw you at SALUTE yesterday and you visited the table... THANKS and it was noce talking to you!! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:28 pm
by msk

I just want to say a big thank you to you, David, Dave and Peter for being so generous to me yesterday and letting me take command of some of your precious forces. I good a really good impression of RtoE and I hope I've contributed a little to the royalties by purchasing a copy! There are a couple of pictures and a report on my blog: ... lute-2010/

As you say, there was plenty of interest and a lot of people stopped by to ask about the rules. So I think that must have made the day well worth the effort.

If you are doing another weekender in October, there's an outside chance that I could conveniently arrange to be North of the Border (if the dates coincide with half term for She Who Must be Obeyed).

Best wishes,

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:52 am
by Alpha
I would like to echo Barry’s comments by saying thanks to all who came by the table on Saturday to say hello. I have been doing demo games at shows for a lot of years and this was one of the most memorable! The day passed so quickly and I think that was mostly due to the fact it was a fun day in the company of Peter, Dave and Barry! The prize for enthusiasm must go to Martin who is an ambassador for all things Napoleonic in the hobby.

Looking forward to next year!

David Imrie

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:24 pm
by obriendavid
You will find some pics of the Waterloo game at this guys site, he has at least three pages of pics of Salute 2010 which is useful for us as we didn't really get to see the show. ... php?t=2756


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:28 am
by Atheling
obriendavid wrote:You will find some pics of the Waterloo game at this guys site, he has at least three pages of pics of Salute 2010 which is useful for us as we didn't really get to see the show. ... php?t=2756

There are some great pics of the Waterloo game and many others but watch out for the down time- probably worth saving the pics you like.
