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A few rules questions ...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:32 am
by sotek111
I have now had a chance to get 3 games in with my group and I have some questions (apologies is this is somewhere in the rulebook and obvious):

1. Cavalry charging squares. I don't see anything saying that cavalry are forced to pull up from charging a square (although I see a modifer in the resolve/control check table applying to the control check to charge the square). So we let them go in when all checks were passed --- but the close combat table for infantry fighting cavalry doesn't exist (I see three tables, Inf. against Inf/Arty, Cav against Inf/Arty, and Cav against Cav) -- if you apply the Infantry against Inf/Cav modifiers the square takes a -3 modifier for being in square. Help?

2. Fight or Flight table shows:

Steady ------------- Waver
Steady ------------- Retreat or Rout
Waver -------------- Steady
Waver -------------- Retreat or Rout

We had units that were at Waver and rolled the same result (waver) --- or were Steady and remained Steady --- we originally wanted to ready the table as if you are Steady you only deal with the top two rows --- and if you are Waver you only deal with the bottom two rows but this doesn't seem to make sense given the two situations of waver/waver and steady/steady?? Are we reading this wrong?

3. Cavalry pursuit. I am not clear on this --- after fighting the close combat all units involved are disordered. It seems that the winner will only ever either form on the spot or reform back (MP's permitting). I would assume a pursuit occurs automatically when a unit breaks from combat (but not when outright destroyed/surrenders) but I don't see this stated anywhere? Perhaps I am just missing it?

4. If a brigade or unit is prompted to take a charge threat reaction test --- if the brigade (or brigade the individual unit belongs too) doesn't have any remaining MPs (2nd phase of the turn) there is no reason to take the test as they can't do anything anyways (no MPs) --- right? Or do they borrow from their next phase/turn?

5. Modifiers for resolve --- unit taking 25% casualties, unit taking 25-50%, etc. --- do these stack or is it one or the other? We are playing it as one or the other but wanted to check.



Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:25 am
by sotek111
Ok, disregard #2 - reread the fight or flight section and see the note about unchanged command state.

For #4 I think you need MPs from the existing turn in order to do an individual unit threat reaction vs brigade you can borrow from the next turn/phase since the brigade reaction counts as that brigades turn?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:26 am
by sotek111
Ok ... #4 is sorted upon further inspection of the rules.

I am still not clear on cavalry charging --- I looked through some other threads on this but I don't see where the modifiers swing in favor of the infantry --- perhaps an example of 24 cav vs. 24 inf in square could be worked out to clarify this?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:19 am
by quindia
Sorry to have left you to sort all of these out, but it goes to show MOST of the answers are in the rules. I can answer this quickly...

5. Modifiers for resolve --- unit taking 25% casualties, unit taking 25-50%, etc. --- do these stack or is it one or the other? We are playing it as one or the other but wanted to check.

One or the other... you use the 'worst' penalty that the unit 'qualifies' for...

I'll look into 1 and 3, but my games are normally confined to a smallish table and mostly infantry so I don't have a lot of experience with cavalry. Dave or Barry might answer this quicker, but if not, I'll get back to you!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:30 am
by sotek111
Thanks Clarence!

My group ordered several (6) rulebooks the other day --- until now we have been sharing my copy --- I still need another good read through --- but at this point I am fairly sure the cavalry issues are not in there.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:13 am
by quindia
1. Cavalry charging squares. I don't see anything saying that cavalry are forced to pull up from charging a square (although I see a modifer in the resolve/control check table applying to the control check to charge the square). So we let them go in when all checks were passed --- but the close combat table for infantry fighting cavalry doesn't exist (I see three tables, Inf. against Inf/Arty, Cav against Inf/Arty, and Cav against Cav) -- if you apply the Infantry against Inf/Cav modifiers the square takes a -3 modifier for being in square. Help?

Cavalry can plow into a square if they pass the Resolve checks. For combat modifiers, you use the Cavalry vs Infantry table for both sides. Infantry don't get a bonus to their attacks for being in square, but Cavalry suffer a 75% die penalty against a square. The remaining modifiers apply to both sides when applicable (i.e troop class, support, etc. count for both cavalry and infantry). Some modifiers (examples: lancers for cavalry and pikes for rare infantry) apply only to the obvious troop type.

That actually should have been an easy one for me, but I misread the question the first time through.

All we have left is the pursuit question...

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:45 am
by barr7430
Hello Jay,

Cavalry pursuit. I am not clear on this --- after fighting the close combat all units involved are disordered. It seems that the winner will only ever either form on the spot or reform back (MP's permitting). I would assume a pursuit occurs automatically when a unit breaks from combat (but not when outright destroyed/surrenders) but I don't see this stated anywhere? Perhaps I am just missing it?

Cavalry Units will Pursue a broken enemy automatically but can check to cease Pursuit (ie stay in control) this has a -2 modifier for most armies and -3 for the British which when taken in junction with other modifiers for disorder, casualties etc makes cease of pursuit rather difficult unless it is a top quality unit with few casualties and in command radius and supported.
Infantry never pursue

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:07 pm
by obriendavid
quindia wrote: Cavalry can plow into a square if they pass the Resolve checks. For combat modifiers, you use the Cavalry vs Infantry table for both sides. Infantry don't get a bonus to their attacks for being in square, but Cavalry suffer a 75% die penalty against a square. The remaining modifiers apply to both sides when applicable (i.e troop class, support, etc. count for both cavalry and infantry). Some modifiers (examples: lancers for cavalry and pikes for rare infantry) apply only to the obvious troop type.
As if that wasn't bad enough for the cavalry, after the first bound of combat provided the cavalry didn't get into the square they are now classed as disordered whereas the square are still in good order and get all the bonus' that apply. The simple answer is don't have your cavalry charging formed squares as it is rarely sucessful and once commited your cavalry will be virtually too worn down to be of further use in the battle. This is one of the reasons you don't give cavalry attack orders until the last possible minute otherwise they have to charge the enemy once they get into charge range.
Hope this helps?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:41 pm
by sotek111
Perfect --- thanks everyone --- that clears up everything!