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How people base their skirmishers

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:41 pm
by Justin Buck
I was wondering how people base their skirmisher. I see that the rules say that you don't have to remove them from the parent unit when they deploy, but I was just curious as to what people do. Do you paint up troops, like voltigeurs, for the unit and also as individual when depolyed as skirmishers and keep both on the table? Im about to order a bunch of bases and I still have not decided yet on how I want to do my skirmishers.


Re: How people base their skirmishers

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:08 pm
by BP
I have now started basing them on 2 to 40x20 base. My usual basing is 4 to a 40x40. I usually include at least 2 of these per battalion so the necessary combat groups can be removed and the appropriate number of skirmising bases can be deployed.
My light battalions are all based that way too, so can deploy limited/half/full deployment without having to paint extra figures.

I like not having to paint extra figures :)


Re: How people base their skirmishers

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:15 pm
by Friedrich August I.
Same style, different approach :wink:
My bases are 50x50mm and I too place two figures on a base 50x25mm BUT I go to make double the numbers doing the 4 Light Infantry Battalions in marching Order AND in Skirmish Order :D
