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Victrix and Perry - Can they be used together?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:11 pm
by Anonymous

after searching carefully through a lot of posts in this forum and not finding what I was looking for I ask for Your help in this matter. I would like to know if the plastics of Perry and Victrix are in someway comparable to be used together maybe in the same formation or even unit.

As I said in some occasions before I like my soldiers as close to their paradedress uniforms as possible having in mind Napoleons Order 'that his soldiers have to fight in their best clothes'.
Some packs of Vixtrix attracted my eye because of not been placed in the 1812-15 timeframe. On the other hand Perry has the Cavalry I would like to raise.

As I noticed many of You allready have experience with this matter so please help.

Thank You in advance for any comment



Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:59 pm
by barr7430
Well Gunter,
owning about 800 Perry Miniatures as I do and having also some close associations with Victrix I can confidently say that in size and anatomy they are very close. They can be used together in the same army easily. I think they could be mixed in the same unit too although I personally would limit this to certain poses.
I have juts completed a very handsome (even if I say so myself :oops: ) unit of Young Guard Tirailleurs in a firing line. The figures are a complete mix of:

1. Perry Metals as manufactured
2. Perry Metals with Perry Plastic heads
3. Perry metals with Victrix heads
4. Perry plastics with Victrix heads
5. Victrix plastics

I will offer a prize :shock: for those who can spot which is which!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:19 am
by quindia

I agree with Barry. I haven't mixed models in the same unit, but I have units of both in my armies and I have done a few conversions using parts from both kits.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:30 am
by Anonymous
Barry and Clarence,

Thank You for Your helpful informations. It is decided than.

I' ll raise the VI. Corps in Spain.
The same that Clarence does on his side of the great pond, only the European version of it :D

One other thing for what you may have an answer.
While the French Army was involved in the Spanish Adventure also some Young Guard units were stationed there. I would like to muster the 1st Young Guard Division of Gen. Roguet. So far I know their strenght but about unit types I am not so sure :?:

Besides this which Perry/Victrix would be most suitable for them?

Any suggestions?

Thank's in advance


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:36 pm
by Anonymous
I think I found an answer to a part of my question myself - the kind of units within the 1. Young Guard Division. There were 4 Regiments of 2 Battalions, 4 Companies of 180 men each. They were the

Tirailleur Grenadiers/ Tirailleur Chasseurs
Conscrit Grenadiers/ Conscrit Chasseurs

So far so good.
Only thing is now to find out if the Victrix Packs (or Perry) contains enough suitable troopers in the packs to get 8x32 Figures together. I just see myself buying 20 packs of Minis and sorting out who suits and who dont :shock:

But maybe You can help me to keep it within a limit.
