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Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:03 pm
by Clibinarium
Dan Schorr could probably comment definitively on whether the cuirass was used by the Danes at this time. I'd be cautious with references to equipment in the Boyne Water. I read it at university, and seem to recall that it stated that grenadier clothing was "piebald", which I think is from a contemporary description of a particular regiment, but is presented as being how all grenadiers looked.

Actually I've googled it and its from John Evelyn's diary, 1678,
Now were brought into service a new sort of soldiers, called Grenadiers who were dexterous in flinging hand grenadoes, every one having a pouch full. They wore furred caps with coped crowns like Janizaries, which made them look very fierce, and some had long hoods hanging down behind as we picture fools. Their clothing being likewise piebald, yellow and red.

I may be misremembering it, but it seemed to me at the time that the author was presenting that description as that of the grenadiers at the Boyne (which were likely similar). I am happy to be corrected. Plus don't get me wrong I think its a great book.

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:48 am
by El Cid

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:39 pm
by Mats
Not sure about the Dutch : I can't recall reading anything about United Provinces cavalry wearing breastplates but Mats and Motorway are more qualified than I am to answer that question anyway.
Dutch cavalry did not wear breastplates during this period. They were reintroduced in March 1707.

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:41 pm
by turrabear
how about swedish infantry for the period of the battle of lund.

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:35 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
Is there still plans for Sups to support BLB2 such as LoA Flanders, WSS, etc?

Jacobite Wars (Ireland/Scotland?) book still being worked on?



Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:49 pm
by barr7430
On the Swedish infantry question the soon to be relwased infantry with apostles could be used. Admittedly non will have karpus but the felt hat was widely used too. Skane Wars is probably a range which would be nice to do but would ruin you as the sales would not justify the investment but who knows, as Warfare picks up more momentum(and I have not complaints right now) the odd pack of specials to supplement core codes may happen. I have an interest in the Skane Wars myself but I am sure not many people outside of Scandinavia share my interest!

On the subject of supporting products that is all happening as previously outlined. The delay of the Irish Supplement to BLB has in some ways been fortuitous. It has allowed more figures to be released for use in Ireland by Warfare, has allowed for more research and photos to be done and generally allowed the book to be broadened in scope and size. I have been delayed by Warfare, work and personal events this year but we have achieved much with the figures and flags. No lack of energy, ideas and innovation from our side so stay tuned!

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by Dfogleman2
For the Scanian War you would need some head swaps for karpuses and cuirassiers with leather coat w/ turnbacks and only a breast plate. Danish troops and other Swedes could be done with Warfare figures already on the market or currently planned.

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:55 am
by danschorr
I too have considered using the "apostle equipped" infantry for the Scanian War which was concurrent with the Dutch War; however, depending on how much of a purist you are, the figures are not quite right. There should be no plug bayonet, no or very few waistbelts, and no kamisol or vest. These all began to become more common in the the middle to late 1680s. Also, not all Swedish cavalry had the breast plate and the turnbacks are questionable. The karpus headgear would be nice, but not all Swedish infantry wore it. Hats were also worn.

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:53 pm
by barr7430
Yup Dan. It's often down to economics. We could get all of that sculpted, it would cost the thick end of $5,000US and we'd sell 20 packs of each if were lucky. My own tendency would to not be a purist but a pragmatist. If it's close and it looks ok from 2 feet away on the table... it'll do! It's toy soldiers after all, nothing more :lol:

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:40 pm
by Rohan Wilmott
Hello, Barry.

I wouldn't mind some Danes with double buttoned coats and also in Cassocks. The floppy hats could be turned up in various ways too.

I'm looking forward to the apostle musketeers to add to the various Irish regiments for the Boyne.

Cheers, Rohan

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:22 pm
by barr7430
Hi Rohan,

as I have mentioned, anything is possible. I have always had a soft sot for the Danes. Things are continuing to work out very well for Warfare. I was pleased before but I am even more pleased now! This has really encouraged me to make a serious commitment to the whole project so expect continuous and sustained releases. I will probably get round to the more 'specialist' needs too. Things that other manufacturers have either failed to tackle or run out of steam before reaching.

This Forum has put a lot of gas in the tank from ideas, enthusiasm, encouragement and not least, hard cash. For that I am really grateful! :D

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:14 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote: I will probably get round to the more 'specialist' needs too.
Is that a bunch of 'specialist' female units to get Mr Jack into the period :lol:

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:51 pm
by Ben Waterhouse
obriendavid wrote:
barr7430 wrote: I will probably get round to the more 'specialist' needs too.
Is that a bunch of 'specialist' female units to get Mr Jack into the period :lol:
Queen Mary as portrayed in England my England?

Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:15 am
by barr7430
Actually, with too much time on my hands here in the Desert I have had an idea which might fly to some extent with some of you. I know this had been done elsewhere over the years and if handled well it can work.

Obviously I now have the infrastructure, connections and momentum to get figures to market. The period is opening up quite nicely and as can be seen, Warfare will release dozens of new sculpts this year and the following.
Some of our Forum members and friends have interests peripheral to the core: 1689-1697 period, witness: Skane Wars, Covenanter Rebellions, Monmouth Rebellion, Tangier etc. The commercial dilemma for someone in my position is:

Follow an interesting byway, spend time and money producing something nice but get no commercial return for making a very small amount of people happy and me poor and frustrated.

This usually results in 'no advance'.

Here is the potential solution: If someone has an interest 'off the beaten track', a sub-project can be created/commissioned by the individual or sub group. They would part/whole finance the sculpting with Warfare. I would commission the master and production moulds and get the figures manufactured. Subgroup could then have as many figures at metal cost/manufacturing cost as they want. The figures go on commercial release. The range expands, people get what they want and I can carry on producing the core part of the range.
If anyone is interested in this either PM me or join the thread. I have a reasonable reputation for getting things done so this is not pie in the sky and could actually fly without individuals having to go through all of the pain and effort of setting up their own operation.



Re: Where is WARFARE range going next?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:24 am
by EvilGinger
I rather like that idea all I need to do is to get the local wargmers to agree on something & part with some cash. To which end where did I put granddads trench raiding axe :evil:

:evil: Ginger