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Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:48 am
by Friedrich August I.

This may sound now a bit presumptuous but can you spare a thought about the Cavalry Flags for the Saxons? As I understood it you bought yourself two books that shows those flags. If you like I put their appearance together in a mail to you and Barry.


Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:51 pm
by quindia
Heh - Working on Russian Foot at the moment... and several others lined up behind those, but I will make sure Saxon Horse are on the list. Anything you'd like to send will be welcome as the books are quite comprehensive and take some scouring to find the correct information.

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:56 pm
by Russian James
Mmmmmm... Look forward to seeing your Russian foot, will this be pre, or post, 1712?

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:23 pm
by flick40
is it just my PC or are the Saxon flags in the shop not displaying?

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:47 pm
by barr7430
Must be your PC Joe.. I can see them!

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:12 pm
by Dfogleman2
It is your PC. I can't see them on mine, but I can see them on my iPad, so all is well. At least for me!

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:18 pm
by barr7430
I noticed the image sizes are differetn from the rest of the flags on the site. I'll ask Stuart to look at that... he's back 8)

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:04 pm
by quindia
We had the same problem with the flag images the first time too. The form you drop the images into auto- sizes them ( which distorts the image as well).

The Russian flags are pre-1712...

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:01 am
by 18th Century Guy
I have a question for the Danish flags - will any of them work for the WSS or are they strickly for the Williamite period? If they are only for the 1690s will you (Clarence) think about doing them for the WSS period as well?



Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:41 am
by quindia
Many of the Danish flags change around 1692 (just guessing at the date for now - I don't have my references handy). I actually did a few with the mistaken idea they were for 1690...

It is my goal to expand the flag range to cover all of the major theaters for Beneath the Lily Banners.

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:59 am
by Friedrich August I.
quindia wrote:Heh - ..... but I will make sure Saxon Horse are on the list. Anything you'd like to send will be welcome as the books are quite comprehensive and take some scouring to find the correct information.
Thanks! Studies have started on the Flags of the Saxon Horse. Sofar I cross referenced Dan Schorr with Hottenroth and came to the following conclusion:
Standards for Cuirassiers and Guard du Corps are a square 53 x 57 cm.
That would mean, to be in relation to the 28mm figure, a size of approx. 8-9mm square :shock: Not very decorative I think! Therefore it have to be at least twice that size, i.e., 20mm square.
The Dragoon flags on the other hands are rather large, 210cm(h) x 370cm(l) :!: two pointed and fringed.

I write this again in a mail to you together with the pictures of the flags.


Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:53 am
by Friedrich August I.
Dear Clarence,

Any news about the flags you are working on?
Are the Russian's now finaly fixed?
Did you start the Swedish now?

And last but not least do you see a chance that the Saxon Horse get their colors before October? :wink: :D

Fed us with some info please


Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:50 am
by turrabear
just a thought gunter . but would it be better to have Swedish flags out before an saxon cavalry flags as with out the might swedes then who would the Saxon's Russians ect have to fight. as I said just a though my friend.

Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:10 am
by Friedrich August I.

As I am well aware about the priorities I listed the major proponents first and my personal favorites as the last on the wish list :D .

But in case of who my Saxons would have fought if not the Swedes I would say:
the French or the Turks :wink:. All in the name of the Holy Roman Empire.


Re: Flags by Quindia Studios

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:05 pm
by quindia
The Russian flags are fixed and Barry has the new files.

All of my spare time at the moment is devoted to Donnybrook, but I hope to be finished with that early this summer and will have a lull while we compile info for the Ireland book which I will devote again to flags. The Russian Guards are next on my list and Swedish foot were up next, but I can possibly mix in some Saxon horse as well - no reason I have to produce every flag for every arm all at once!