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Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:29 am
by barr7430

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:17 am
by Friedrich August I.

it strikes me with horror to see the figures you have painted within 3 days :shock: :D
As you have allready code numbers distributed...I think you know where this leads :wink:

Btw., these are lovely painted minis. Well done :D

Best Wishes,

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:08 am
by Russian James
I'm loving the Jacobite Lifeguard...

I can see a pre-order going in for Kirrie! :D

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:33 am
by barr7430
As there are so many variants I really did just have to start and dig in to get some stuff painted. To do justice to the lot will take some time. Not counting all of the arm variants which are possible, there are 44 sets each with 3 models. That's 132 painted figures needed for the site right away excluding the horses.
I have recruited a little help now so the balance should be up as we go on. By the time the sets are commercially available I think we'll at least have a representation of all the basic types up.

I must say I enjoyed painting these and in terms of Clibinarium's sculpting he really goes from strength to strength. In my opinion, all of these sculpts are up with the best. If I had no prior knowledge and had been told these were done by the Perry's or Hicksy I would have believed it. In fact, now I would say that comparison is almost inappropriate as Clibnarium is benchmarking in his own right and other sculpts can justifiably be compared to his style not the other way round.
The figures painted so far are beautiful sculpts but I have not got to the really differentiated ones yet such as the characterful officers and bareheaded troopers. These will further differentiate the range.

One thing I feel very much worth pointing out is the superb proportionality of rider to mount. Combined with the poses (hunched or stretched in the saddle) the combination is very natural and life like. Also, much credit to the EBob horses and the way Clibinarium has tacked them. The horses add a huge dimension to the picture.
I really feel the range is coming of age now. It will continue to grow with lots of further new stuff in the pipe right now.

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:38 am
by Churchill

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:07 am
by barr7430
Thanks Ray, appreciated. My brushwork is not as anally (wonder if that will get through the filter) retentive as it used to be but I think I've still got a bit of skill left in the tank :oops:

These painted themselves though. The imperialists have really woken me up to the possibility of painting hordes of the buggers for myself. I can already see a demo game with 10 regiments of 24 each!

Better get started!

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:13 am
by Friedrich August I.
barr7430 wrote:132 painted figures needed....
barr7430 wrote:I have recruited a little help ....
Child labour or Santa's Little Helper :?: :lol: :wink:
barr7430 wrote: I must say I enjoyed painting these and in terms of Clibinarium's sculpting he really goes from strength to strength. In my opinion, all of these sculpts are up with the best. If I had no prior knowledge and had been told these were done by the Perry's or Hicksy I would have believed it. In fact, now I would say that comparison is almost inappropriate as Clibnarium is benchmarking in his own right and other sculpts can justifiably be compared to his style not the other way round.
The figures painted so far are beautiful sculpts but I have not got to the really differentiated ones yet such as the characterful officers and bareheaded troopers. These will further differentiate the range.

One thing I feel very much worth pointing out is the superb proportionality of rider to mount. Combined with the poses (hunched or stretched in the saddle) the combination is very natural and life like. Also, much credit to the EBob horses and the way Clibinarium has tacked them. The horses add a huge dimension to the picture.
I really feel the range is coming of age now. It will continue to grow with lots of further new stuff in the pipe right now.
I' m with You in this matter. That many different figures will help to form many uneven looking unit's. Clibinarium did a marvelous job!


Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:16 am
by Friedrich August I.
barr7430 wrote:.........with 10 regiments of 24 each! Better get started!

And I thought I had delusions of grandeur. :lol: :lol:

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:24 am
by barr7430
You know me by now Gunter... if a project is worth doing, it is worth doing F****** MASSIVELY!

Santa's helper is called 'Andy' You might know him as a Jacobite General :wink:

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:11 pm
by barr7430
As the painting of the Cuirassiers is an ongoing job and to answer the question posed in a couple of private messages, I am happy to create some online albums of both individuals and sets. If anyone wants these mailed personally to them just email [email protected] and I'll send them on.

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:27 pm
by obriendavid
These look lovely Barry and I can see me adding more Austrians and Bavarians to my WSS armies and some Lifeguard for my Irish Jacobites.

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:17 pm
by barr7430
Should manage to be able to put the Cuirassiers up for pre order over the next few days. Production moulds are being done now and the first production quantities rolling out. Furiously painting samples to stick up into the shop.

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:51 pm
by barr7430

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:49 pm
by Clibinarium
Some nice paint-jobs in there Boss!

though at the moment they appear to out of order, in the way computers order numbers eg 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 ,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, 21 etc.
I'm sure there's a name for that but it escapes me.

Re: K U R A S S I E R !!!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:35 am
by 18th Century Guy
Someone must have applied a numeric sort order which will give you that result.