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New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:56 am
by Dfogleman2

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:28 am
by Adam Hayes
Oh dear God. This is going to make the period hard to ignore :shock:

(Ebor GNW officer)


Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:11 pm
by Friedrich August I.
As nice as they are looking...strange that they pop out now while 'we' go to raise our own range.... :roll:

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:23 pm
by Dfogleman2
He told me a couple of years ago that he was definitely going to do the GNW, so the timing is probably coincidental.

Anyway, they look very nice. I suspect they will not match with the forthcoming Warfare figures in the same unit, but I hope they cam provide variety on the table.

Hopefully we will see some Warfare GNW soon!

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:00 pm
by barr7430
This is not a surprise to me. I knew what Nick was intending to do. He approached me about a joint venture but for a variety of reasons I was not keen. Once we get going I doubt anyone will be able to keep up with the volume and variety of releases from Warfare. I think many of the designs Ebor plan to use are utilizing existing dollies on the 'sweat your assets' principle. We are taking a 'ground up' approach. Nothing we bring out will have been used in any other part of the range before.

In some respects it's a welcome addition to availability in another respect slightly frustrating. We don't have a monopoly on anything that's the way the commercial ball bounces. I do think that seeing what Clibinarium is now producing we will have a top drawer offer whatever we do. The combination of products: figures, rules, books and flags, trade and distribution should do the trick.

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:29 pm
by Friedrich August I.
barr7430 wrote:....I do think that seeing what Clibinarium is now producing we will have a top drawer offer whatever we do. The combination of products: figures, rules, books and flags, trade and distribution should do the trick.
Most likely :D

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:52 pm
by eboracomb
I did not post anything about the GNW figures on the forum for just this reason, I did not want to tread on Barry's toe's.
I agreed with Paul over a year ago to do these figures but with Paul's massive work load and trying to expand my own range of WSS figures it is only now Paul can commit to doing the range, also as Barry as stated as soon as I became aware that Barry was doing a range I rang him and asked if he would be interested in a combined effort but Barry had already put a lot of time and money into his own range and felt it would be hard to make it work.
I hope we can stop this turning into a them versus us type argument as it is not like that from my side, it is also true I have had numerous requests from customers to do the GNW and some of them are members of this forum but these things take time when you have to work in with a freelance sculptors other commitments.
I hope people will see this as a good thing for variety as customers are totally free to buy or not to buy.
thanks for your time Nick.

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:36 pm
by turrabear
belive this is a kickstarter project as I got an e-mail from nick about 3-3 week's ago about it.

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:15 pm
by barr7430
Wise words Nick and I concur. There is no reason for ranges not to co-exist. If we do some clever coordination we may be able to cover larger amounts of ground quicker.


Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:32 pm
by Cheriton
barr7430 wrote:Wise words Nick and I concur. There is no reason for ranges not to co-exist. If we do some clever coordination we may be able to cover larger amounts of ground quicker.

Barry, Nick:

Good, level- heading thinking. Would you two fellows be interested in advising our "body of adolescents", otherwise known as the US Congress?



Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:52 pm
by Adam Hayes
Many wargamers have the "got to have them all" gene, so I expect there will be very few who will choose just one manufacturer exclusively over another. Two companies with releases being publiscised for the same period are more likely to stir up a buzz and bring in additional converts I'd have thought.

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:32 pm
by kingscarbine
Any chance of releasing figures for the 1670-1680 period?

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:01 am
by Ben Waterhouse
kingscarbine wrote:Any chance of releasing figures for the 1670-1680 period?

Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:16 am
by kingscarbine

Thanks for the tip but I'm looking for figures to add to the 1672 range. :)
A pack of Dutch Armoured Pikemen, for example, more infantry poses, artillery crews, high command and some dynamic cavalry would be welcome.

There are at least four companies that I know that have figures for the late 17th-early 18th c. (LoA, WSS, GNW, etc) and only one for the earlier period.


Re: New Ebor GNW

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:38 am
by Adam Hayes
A minor miracle that we have even one for such a niche period. Just be thankful and then start playing the game of what-can-I convert/use-from-neighbouring-conflicts. (Much more fun IMHO)