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Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:18 am
by dalauppror
Yes indeed one more project are starting up:)

This time I have convinced my Danish friend Søren that it was a very good ideea to run a Scanian War project. I hope to manage to lure Jonas and maybe some other club member in to the project to...

We have decided not to run the big battler like Lund in 1676 or Landskrona in 1677 but to go for some more Low intense warfar in the nothern part of Scania i.e. Guerilla warfare by the Danish Free shooter or Snapphanar. as they was called in Sweden

The main reasons was to be able to start it all up as small skirmish games using the exellent Muskets and Tomahawks rules. Love them but as usual I always try to find the Swedish angle;)

I have looked around the webb and there are several minis that may work as Swedes during this period, but sins I wanted to hold down the cost I decided to retrive my first Wargames Factory minis ever...

Plain marching mini from the box, as I want my unit to have the Karpus hat I had to cut down a grenadier hat to fit the bill, I hope it will turne out ok when painted.

One more marching mini there I just cut away the musket and promoted him to and NCO

You are very welcome to follow our Scanian War project at my blog.

You can find a Short re-cap of the war here


I hope you all will have a realy nice weekend !!!

Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:05 pm
by janner
Hope you have a safe trip down to Devil's Island for the convention, my friend. Unfortunately, I'm already committed to Horizont V with some Third Crusade action

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:00 am
by dalauppror

Unfortunally there will be no trip this time for me, didn´t work out at home...

I hope to see some pictures from your Crusader action, will you run using your new Crusader Codex?

Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:28 pm
by janner
Sure did :D

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:51 am
by dalauppror

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:03 am
by dalauppror
As I´m from the region Dalarna/Darlecarlia in Sweden I of course will paint my Scanian War infantry as the Dalregementet/Darlecarlian Regiment. Also Sören was kind enought to get me a greate looking flag from Warfare Miniatures.

This is how I will paint the uniform for the Dalregimentet, even as this pictury probably are of a GNW soldier from Älvsbors regiment (no bayonetts for the swedes during the Scanian war.)

Here are a alternative Karpus, as mine are made of cut down grenadier caps
I think mine will be more like this one...

Pictures of the first painted test mini at my blog.

Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:26 am
by dalauppror
I just poste some pictures at my blog of the first group of Scanian War infantry, more pictures at the blog...

Parts of the Dalregemente during the Scanian War.

Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:56 am
by dalauppror

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:35 am
by Redmist1122
I like the small style skirmish type game you ran there. What set of rules are you using? This looks like a possibility with Donnybrook.

I have another question, the style of fence you have on the table, is that unique to the region? Never seen anything like that before.

Thank you for sharing.

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:35 am
by EvilGinger
Having followed the Scoundrel's blog for some time I think its Muskets and Tomahawks of which he is a fan but I am sure Donnybrook would be ideal as would my version of sharp practice for the 1680's - 1700 if I ever get that finished

:evil: Ginger

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:20 am
by dalauppror
Thanks !!!

Indeed Musket & Tomahawk, but I´m very keen to try out Donnybrook in this setting. Also Sharps Practise surely would work fine, might have to try that out to.

The roundpole fence that we here in Sweden call "Gärdsgård" are very typical and still in use both in Sweden and Finland, I belive that similar fences are used in Norway, but i´m not sure about Denmark.

In this blog post I show a bit more pictures of how I built them

Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:26 am
by WillieB
Really nice AAR! Poor Swedes losing at the very last moment.
I have the feeling that if the escorters would have been dragoons it would have turned out differently.

I had absolutely no idea rifles were already that popular and in widespread use during that early period.
Were there ever any specific rifle - armed units in the Danish army?

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:42 pm
by dalauppror
Thank you WillieB !

Not sure it would have as the wagon still just moved as the infantry... But we will see in the next game as I at the moment are painting some dragoons:)

The Rifles was used bu the irregular forces called "Friskyttar"(Free shooters) or as the Swedes called them Snapphanar. They most often used civilian hunting rifles known as "Göingebössor" most often in caliber 9 to 13mm compared to the army unrifled musket in caliber 20mm.

Here are a short goodle translate text about the period and the rifles:

"Woodlands along the old border between Sweden and Denmark are described in the early 1700th centery often as prosperous, despite the fact that the farms were oddly small . It was iron and wrought iron that was the main industry , along with other craft products that came from the forest. There were no large iron deposits , it was the old bog iron ore or bog ore , which had been fished out and used since the iron's art came to Scandinavia during the last millennium before our era . Smiths in the area had a good reputation. Among other things, they came to be regarded as good bössmeder . Hunting was an important sideline and hunters demanded weapons with higher precision than smooth-bore muskets. These weapons were called rifle and often had a smaller caliber.

"Göingebössor/Göingeguns" as the rifles sometimes termed , was a great weapon for a squad that wanted to operate at longer distances to add some damage and then either be able to pull out in time , or - if everything has gone well - able to choose to go to the assault .

As long Göingebygden belonged to Denmark the inhabitants could make good on his small manufacturing. Sweden, by contrast , had huge iron works and a major war industry . Now came the small craft quickly to short . Skogsbygdens iron was much less worth in Sweden than it had been in Denmark. Göinge quickly became an impoverished countryside, where many men were unemployed and violence was an accepted way to resolve internal conflicts.

It was a powder keg waiting to explode - and that was precisely what it did in Skåne kriget/Scanian War 1675-79


Best regards Michael

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:55 pm
by obriendavid
That's a really nice looking game you have there and I enjoyed the battle report. The diagonal fencing looks terrific.
The Donnybrook rules would work perfectly for this type of game.

Re: Scanian War 1675-1679 "Snapphane style"

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:15 am
by dalauppror
Thank you !

I just updated my blog with some pictures of the next Swedish Scanian War unit to be painted...some dragoons.

more pictures at the blog


Best regards Michael