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AAR + house rules.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:00 am
by Efoe
Our first real three point battle raged yesterday. Awesome game! Cultist versus army. Two units of recruit mob and a elite horsrmen versus drilled pike, shot and horse.

In short, both players where very cautious. My ghost scared the enemy horse, keeping them from closing in until the witch scared them of to the table edge after which they refused to rally the entire game. The (elite) cult charlatan moved within 12" to downgrade the enemy a die but skipped the next 4 turns, skulking in a corner (obviously thinking he didn't get paid nearly enough to face the muskets or those soon rallying horse). In the centre the mob crashed into the muskets, both withering down in numbers, the witch died but the mob held on full of crazed zeal.

The cult elite horse with the black captain (hero) soon joined the melee and forced the muskets off the centre. The army captain and his horse sergeant galloped to the black captain and the cultist horse, pistols cracking shots into the mob who paniced and ran for cover. Both leaders flashed their sabres, yelled at eachother and parried attack after attack until finally the army captain and the sergeant where knocked unconsious.

Cackling with glee the cultist captain and horse captured both army characters, hoisted them on their horses and raced them off the field. On the other flank a fresh company of recruit army musketeers marched on the table, opening up on the last cultist mob, who soon forgot why it was a good idea to face the army. The cowering elite charlatan needed to test morale, but decided that they had done enough for the day and the cultist routed. And won?

Awesome action. Buckets of fun! I was too busy explaining the rules so I forgot to take pictures.

A few thoughts. The turn over card was fine as it was. No need to tune it down. We did include a few houserules which we felt was needed.
1. Charged horse need to make a counter move (6") so that they can bring more models in contact. The idea that they would wait while attacked was too silly to ignore.
2. The winners of a combat would be able to 'consolidate' their formation up to 3". Worked well.

Re: AAR + house rules.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:42 pm
by quindia
Sounds like a great game. Part of the fun is coming with the narrative of why certain units seem to skulk around (or equally when you see one unit dashing about that activates every turn).