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First game so a couple of questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:30 am
by MikeH
Hi all

Finally got a first couple of games in last night and came up with a few questions that I wanted to ask, for each question we came up with our own ruling but I thought I would ask them on here to see what people think

1) Troops in open order firing – we decided that only figures with a clear line of sight to the enemy could fire and friendly troops in the same unit would block LoS, but I want to check if that was ok or if troops in open order could fire through other friendly troops in their unit
2) Moving through friendly troops – we had a situation where a cavalry unit wanted to move through a friendly unit in open order; we couldn’t find any rule, so we decided that the friendly unit would count as rough terrain and so the cavalry had to roll 2 d6 and take the highest roll as their movement that activation. We also decided that you can’t move through close order units
3) Close order columns – one of the players deployed a unit of infantry in close order but instead of being a line of men 2 deep he deployed them in a column 2 men wide so they could march up a road, so we decided that only the first 2 rows could fire or engage in close combat (4 men) but they would move 6” whilst in that formation, but I would be interested in getting your feelings on this formation as I imagine its one that people might use in games?

My general feelings on the games were positive, I thought the rules were simple enough to pick up quickly but had enough tactical depth to keep players thinking. the use of characters I think really made the game come alive and changed it from being a simplistic game to one that really worked on multiple levels, one thing we all said was this was a game where the rules didn’t get in the way and any issues we came up with were sorted out easily.

I was going to take some pictures but got so involved in the games that I forgot, sorry



Re: First game so a couple of questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:51 am
by Efoe
My anwers are in no way official for I am only just a player just like you are. But here are my thoughts.

1. I think all models, (also in open order) can shoot, and models of the same unit do not block line of sight. The rules are written in a 'no nonsense' spirit and fiddling with miniatures so that all can shoot is not really the spirit of the game as far as I know. I do have problems with shooting through other units though, for that sounds like a bit stretching it.

2. I do like your solution for moving through own units as difficult terrain. I think I will use that in my own games.

3. Well, I think you changed the rules for close formations and then ask how they work. I don't think you should do that! Close formation is for one or two ranks. (or closely similar) And the close order is for adding the possibility to fight with all your models AND have a boosted morale. A column should NOT be used for combat or morale bonusses in my opinion so I would not use the rules for close order for columns. And why would you want a column that moves 4"?

Just my thoughts :)

Re: First game so a couple of questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:53 pm
by quindia
1. Units in open order do not block line of sight of models in their own unit. I assume some are crouching or simply moving for better positions. However, units in open order DO block line of sight for other units, friend or foe, as do close order units.

2. I normally allow friends to move through open order friends without penalty, but solution is just as valid... When in doubt, use whatever seems most sensible to you.

3. For this level of skirmishing, I felt there wasn't a need for march columns. A march column doesn't really grant bonus to large formations, but rather overcomes the penalty for trying to keep tight formations of other types. I use open order for models marching along roads, even if I place them in an orderly column (just keep the models an inch or so apart).

Notice the close order formation is defined as one or two ranks rather than lines and columns. That was precisely to keep people from fielding twelve model close order units as three wide, four deep formations and gaining more mobility than I intended.

Hope that helps... Please note that I am describing MY intentions but you are free to adapt, add or change things to suit your games or impressions of your chosen period. Efoe is correct that this is very much in the spirit of Donnybrook!

Re: First game so a couple of questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:00 pm
by MikeH
hi chaps

thanks for the replies

Efoe you are absolutely correct I was trying to change the rules for close order (without even knowing I was doing it)

maybe I should have given some background to the whole thing, basically I was introducing a mate to the rules, he is a keen Historical player and I wanted him to see the rules so he could decide if he was going to buy them

I explained the various rules and he set up with his troops on a road in the column and then asked if that counted as close order, so I had to make a snap decision.

but maybe what I should have done is classed them as being in open order, as closed order is as you both point out a very specific formation.

some times it difficult moving back from large scale games to small skirmish games especially as the units in both games have a similar amount of miniatures :wink:

anyway thanks for all the comments
