1815 miniatures in the Peninsula?

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1815 miniatures in the Peninsula?

Post by Heneborn » Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:21 pm

Just a quick question...

Me and a friend are starting playing Napoleonics and I want to use the perry's napoleonic range of figures (I'll be playing french), but we are going to focus on the peninsula part of the war so my question is;

Can I use the Perry Napoleonic 1815 range for that?

Of course I know I can use whatever miniatures I like, I'll put Space Marines on those bases if I want :wink: , but how "off" would the 1815 range be in the peninsula?
Ronan the Librarian
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Post by Ronan the Librarian » Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:26 pm

Certainly most of the figures in greatcoats would be ok, and there are several British accounts suggesting that the French tended to wear long coats quite a lot in battle. Your problem is the figures in "normal" uniforms.

1812 saw a change in style for the French army, with all arms moving from the more Ancien style of the "habite" to the "Spencer" coateee wit the square, closed lapels and no sign of the waistcoat underneath. There were a few other minor changes, eg shako plates etc, but these can be covered over with a good paint job.

The early 19th Century being what it was, it took a long time for French units in central Europe to get the new uniforms - mid- to late-1813 was typical, and some units - such as detached battalions in minor theatres -not until early 1814 (it didn't help that some items of clothing were not replaced annually, but in batches of 1/3 or 1/2 the regiment at a time). It is difficult to know where units in Spain stood, vis-a-vis the supply chain; I would imagine those nearer the border got their stuff quicker (note the use of the relative term) than those further west, if only by nicking the stuff that trotted past in the supply wagons!

Unfortunately, most of the Allied contingents in Spain - with one or two excceptions - changed their uniforms around the same time, and most had supply chains of equal or worse quality to the French, so you have similar problems with them.

In short, if you wanted to be an "authenticity nazi" you'd be limited to late 1813, or the 1814 campaigns, but it's really up to you how happy you are "making do" with what is, after all, an irresistible range of figures.
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Post by Heneborn » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:34 am

Ronan the Librarian wrote:In short, if you wanted to be an "authenticity nazi" you'd be limited to late 1813, or the 1814 campaigns, but it's really up to you how happy you are "making do" with what is, after all, an irresistible range of figures.
Luckily I'm not an "authenticity nazi" (and neither are any of the people I'll play with) so I will "make do" with the perry range :wink: Because, like you said, it truly is an irresistible range of figures. Thanks for your answear!
Ronan the Librarian
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Post by Ronan the Librarian » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:38 pm

You're welcome!

Just flicking through the Perry website again, if you and your group aren't that worried about minor details then some of the Imperial Guard infantry (Old Guard grenadiers/chasseurs) in the older-style habite would be ok for French/Italian/Confederation ligne grenadiers/legere carabiniers for pretty much any year in the Peninsula War.

And also, of course, some of the Nassauers (1st/2nd & staff) and Brunswickers (Leib Regiment & Hussars), as well.
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