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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:53 am
by curassier
Barry - that's a fantastic unitof Russian lancers.
If you are starting again with Napoleonics could you give us some hints as to your new approach to the period? I strongly recommend the Calpe miniatures - more than enough Prussians to make start and the French due later this year.
On an unrelated point, where possible can you do future updates of ULB as additional pages. It would be nice not to have to keep printing out the whole rule-set again and again.
All the best

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:43 pm
by barr7430
Hi Jonathan,

re: Napoleonics. I wrote a set of rules from scratch, based on the principles of ULB. Of course they are more involved but play just as fast. We've playtested them on both the big LoGW games and many little gremlins have now been worked out. I spent a few days on holiday re writing and adding which has given me a Revision 3 version.I am very pleased with the output and the game feel.

Amongst our LoGW group we have some real die hard Naps gamers and I've gauged my opinions on their reactions together with those of players with no period experience and my own expectations.

I am very much working solo again being in effect 'THE LEAGUE OF AUGSBURG' and see this as the permanent way forward. To put together the units to illustrate the rules will take me a little time as I have no back up. To produce a whole collection in 28mm would take me far too long. I therefore intend to paint a select number of high detail figures/units. At the same time, I will probably build a large Napoleoinc collex using AB Figures(15mm) for home gaming.

Re ULB updates, appreciate the feedback. Will probably take that advice and from hereon in, post only updates HOWEVER, the site subscriber base is now well over 500 and with so many new people coming on board so frequently who have no copy of the rules I may need to think of new ways to begin to transfer ULB type material.

Will branch out ot other stuff shortly...

Stuart(Site Software Dude) and I will start some kind of review on site layout, facilities and features in Q3/Q4 of 2005. I think it may soon be time to expand the scope of what I'm doing here.

Hope this answers the Qs :wink:



Napoleonics Follow-Up

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:12 am
by curassier
I for one look forward to seeing your Napoleonic rules.

I have a small number of pro-painted units of Calpe Prussians by a very talented young painter. If illustrations could be of any help, contact me off the list. I am not sure if it is possible to post pictures here.