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Leaving Napoleonics

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:51 am
by PrinceEdward
I guess this is a better place to post this rather than Republic to Empire.

I am selling/trading off my Nappies that I have left. Mostly 25mm, but I am still looking through my 15mm stuff as well. Here is what I have so far:

Old Glory and Foundry French Napoleonics: FXI-4 Center Co. Adv, FXC-15 Cuirassier Charging, 24 Painted Foundry Fr. Line (2x12 w/ cmd, based) $115 USD and whatever actual shipping costs are.

I would rather sell, but I am looking for 25mm Dark Age/Ancients mainly. Vikings, Saxons mainly, Normans, GB Irish, OG Rus and some Later Persians to fight my Greeks/Macedonians.

Thanks. leadjunky(at)yahoo(dot)com

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:20 am
by PrinceEdward
These are still available and as I need the money, I am willing to consider resonable offers. Located in US by the way. Thanks.