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My first game since I started wargaming 4 years ago

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:10 pm
by Gunfreak
So I'm not gonna mention the rules, since there is no reason to give free air time to the "competition"

But It was a fun game, we didn't know the rules that well, so the first 3-4 rounds took quite a while, While the later rounds when much faster.

Most of the figures were mine, while 3 battalions, 1 regiment of cuirassiers and all the skirmishes were suplied by another guy.

There was a real mix of quality of the figures, those not suplied by me had a nice good look, by a vetran painter, my stuff was from very bad to just fine.

Since we had to get a game togeather, we just kinda got lots of figures and played, a very unhistoric game, The french were fine, but the allies were a very silly mix, Waterloo British, Peninsula Portugese and 1813 prussians.

The french had two huge brigades, with infantry and cavalry in each brigade. Some 11 infantry 3 cavalery and 1 battery.

The allies were devided in 4 brigades, cav brigade, protugese brigade, british brigade with artillery and prussian brigade with cav suport.

The table at the start

We had 5 gamers, only one rulebook only one of us had read it propperly. while I rememberd some stuff since I've had the older version of the rules for years.
The french had 2 gamers, while the allies had 3, I commanded the cav brigade and portugese On the left flank, another controled the british with artillery and the last on the right flank controled the prussians.

The table was two small ones pushed togeather giving 4x8, which we found was to shallow. A single retreat would almost push a unit of the table even if they retreated from the center.

The table was spartan, but looked ok, I genearly like more stuff and my tables to be more lush, but since we were learing the rules, we kept it simple, therefore we also gave all unit line rank, no elites or vertrans.
The only real factor that came into gameplay was the +1 to british in line while fireing.

The french were defending, but the french beeing french decided to move offencely as a defence.


I hate to paint skirmishes so I never did it, this ment we had way to few of them, 6 french and 24 jegers were all we had. the jegers spread out giving defence to the british and prussians,

The allied attack was supose to go center right, so that left my powerfull cav brigade playing a suport role, and never in the entire game did they even come close to the enemy, 720 light and heavy dragoons did nothing.

On the right, the well painted prussian hussars got their asses kicked by the very badly painted french hussars, they were carbon copies of eachother, but the french rolled much better, the prussians dispersed. leaving the right flank in the air, we a french hussar unit there to do havoc.

We learned that line was very complicated formation to move and do tactical stuff in. While the french learned that you should not be in a column when in a firefight with british in line. The french had moved in massed column, leaving no room to deploy in line, and had to do complicated manouvers to get room.

The center ended in stalemate, the british did a good job untill they got into canister range of the french guns. In the end the center just became a bloody firefight. And my left did nothing, except one of my portugese got into long musket range with the french, but that was all I did all day.

It all came down to the right.

The french charged the prussians, the hussars took out a landwehr unit, that ment that the prussian brigade had to take a breat test, and it failed, so now our whole right flank was gone, and we ended it there, becase one of us had to leave.

I hope to get to test out RtE too. We are a new groups of players and havn't settled on any one rule yet.

Re: My first game since I started wargaming 4 years ago

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:20 am
by Ben Waterhouse
Glad you didn't mention the rules; I won't mention the ones I use either... Great looking game.

Re: My first game since I started wargaming 4 years ago

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:50 pm
by barr7430
Are there other sets of rules :? :lol:

Re: My first game since I started wargaming 4 years ago

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:16 pm
by Duke of Plaza-Toro
Hmmmm. Copies of both Shako and General de Brigade in shot to try and put us off the scent! I wonder if Gunfreak works in counter intelligence and black ops?

Ahhh - the fog of war :D