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Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:26 am
by Voltiguer
I'm going to do an dutch/belgian army of waterloo. I want to do it with front rank miniatures as i love them and they are sold a piece, but the perrys range has more and is complete but they sel them in packs.
So i was wondering what should be the best, front rank or perry?
I was also wondering when representing wargame units witch are usually
Battalions if historicaly the flank companies should be represented?

Re: Dutch/belgian

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:15 am
by Dfogleman2
I have Perrys based on the Dutch at Quatre Bras. As you say, they are complete. Personally, I like their style better than FR, but that is a matter of taste. I would not worry about the fact they are sole in packs. You should be able to use all of the figures.

Yes, you probably want to have flank companies if you use rules where the basic unit it a battalion.