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GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:51 am
by Friedrich August I.

With the arrivel of the BLB2 I am now convinced that I start a new area. I'm talking about the Alliance that was formed against the Swedish King Charles XII.
Therefore I'm currently sifting through all available books and website to find an OOB from which to start the Saxon :wink: (what else), the Danish and the Russians. I'm aware that the Danes where knocked out of the Alliance quite early in the conflict but resumed hostilities after the Swedish Army was whiped out at Poltava.
The Saxons were running circles through Poland while being chased arround by the Swedes for many Years until they were brought to terms with the peacetreaty of Altranstadt 1707. But they also resumed hostilities some Years later.
I have already found a few Army list but I'm still looking for more. So, if anyone can give informations in this matter I would be very gratefull.

At the moment I intend to raise at least 12-15000 Saxon-Polish and Russians about 3-5000. The Figures I have in mind will be from Reiver-Castings. The Uniform Details I use are from Dan Schorrs Army List for the Saxon Army.

Any suggestions and comments are welcome.



Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:09 am
by obriendavid
Good luck with the new project Gunter but don't let those GNW Saxons divert your attention away from the Napoleonic ones. We haven't had an update from you for a while.

Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:31 am
by Friedrich August I.
obriendavid wrote:Good luck with the new project Gunter but don't let those GNW Saxons divert your attention away from the Napoleonic ones. We haven't had an update from you for a while.
I see Your Point, Dave, but rest assured, the Napoleonic Saxons are growing steady :wink:

Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:13 pm
by Heneborn
Wow, that's alot of troops you're getting! :shock:

Well, for uniforms the best you can get are these books from Acedia Press
They have all the information you need. Unfortunately nothing on the danes though but Dan Schorr has an excellent document on that too.

For OOBs I can recommend the Nafziger collection at
There are alot of OOBs there, just search for year or nationality.

Here, for example, are the OOB for the battle of Klissow!

Good luck with your project!

Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:27 am
by Friedrich August I.

Thanks for your advise, I look into it.

Are the 500 Figures realy so much?
10-15 Batallions Infantry and about 30 - 40 Squadrons.

Does'nt sound so hard :wink:



Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:40 am
by Rohan Wilmott
Hello, Günter.

If you are not into flag painting (good references in Dann Schorr's article), Stuart at Maverick Models does a Saxon range for this era based on Schorr's reference. Little Big Men Studio (yes, the shield transfer guys) do Swedish Infantry Flags. Reiver also do some Saxon Flags for the period.

You & others may note I'm mentioning Maverick Model flags a lot, so I must declare that I am in no way connected to the company, other than as a very satisfied customer. Stuart Wilson does excellent flags, is prompt & well priced, and will do special requests where possible if you provide the references. I feel he deserves a plug, especially as he has a large range in the GNW/WSS/9YW period.

Re: GNW or the Anti-Swedish Alliance

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:30 am
by Friedrich August I.
Hello Rohan,

Thanks for the hint :wink: I will give it a try.

Besides I have found a suitable OOB for my Saxons in the Digital Archive Marburg: ... .jpg&b=850

So after BLB2 I would get 17 Batallions and 32(64 real) Squadrons. All together 510 Figures or 21.000men.

Like the ESSO Commercial once said:
There is much to do, so lets do it!

Next Stop - Website of Reiver Castings

