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Forthcoming GNW range

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:14 pm
by curassier
Musketeer Miniatures who do some very nice Arabs for the early Crusades tell me that they are planning a GNW range in 28mm. The owner/designer seems very approachable - their yahoo group solicited lots of opinions about the scope of the Arab Caliphates range, positions of figures; troop types etc. If people have specific ideas about how a new GNW range should develop it might be worth joining his Yahoo group.

GNW Follow-up

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:53 pm
by curassier
A note from the designer copied from the Musketeer Miniatures Yahoo site.
(I have no connection with them but I have purchased a few sample figures from their Caliphates range, which are very good indeed).

"First up will be the infantry for both Russian and Swedish armies, so
people can at least make a start. Then cavalry, commanders and
artillery. Once they are out of the way I will be doing things like
cossacks and strelsi. Not sure on Poles as I have no info on them in
this period at the moment, but Saxons and Danes will be done. First
packs are planned for July/August. Sooner if I can."
