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Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:37 am
by barr7430
Dave O'Brien and I played two very enjoyable scenarios with the skirmish rules tonight. In the first my Cultists attempted to raise an exhumed spirit from the dead whilst their minions held back the townsfolk who were determined to disrupt the Black rights. The Cultists got mashed!
In the second, the Cultists attempted to steal a convoy of loot destined for a nearby town. Despite capturing all the wagons they were stopped on turn 9 from a 21 turn game when they failed their faction morale check because of casualties. The characters worked very well particularly the Ghoul who played on the supersitions of the simple 17th century peasants.
Pix here ... 1-409.html

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:20 am
by obriendavid
They were both great games and looked fantastic and the rules worked really well. Looking forward to having more soon and both my Vendee factions have been coming on really well and I should have enough for a few games soon provided all the family crisis' I have had over the last month don't continue.

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:03 am
by quindia
These are fantastic, Barry!

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:43 am
by Redmist1122
Looks exciting fun! So, you guys were playing the skirmish level variant for BLB?

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:07 am
by barr7430
Actually Greg the rules are not a skirmish level BLB but rather a specific set written by Clarence in their first form several years ago. Since then they have been adapted for the period 1660-1760 and we are in the process of finalizing them right now. Most of the period flavour comes from the Faction Lists section of the rules. The Factions provide force construction information, special rules and special characters for each Faction. This game pitted a Cultist Faction (incorporating all of the 17th and 18th Century suspicion about Devil Worship, Witches, Black Magic with generall Outlaw thuggery) against the inhabitants of Anytown who are mostly poorly armed civilians supporting by a couple of quasi military detachments.

Force size could be as small as 16 models if you chose an all mounted Veteran orbat or as many as 53 if you chose an all infantry Recruit orbat.

Another important aim at this point was to stretch the use of existing Warfare Miniatures as far as I can in terms of imagination. The Cultists with blazing torches are all pikemen with no conversions at all.If you look closely you'll also see pikemen with right arms removed and replaced with Cavalry pistol arms, Enthusiastic cavalry painted as Buckriders, pikemen as Dog handlers and other little changes.

Much more to come on this as you will see.
We are also now looking for a imited number of playtest Groups and would be happy if our original BLB Magnificent 7 were interested. Others of course can get in touch 8)

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:33 pm
by Russian James
Looks very good!

Think I'll need to get my Wild Hunt faction started...

I would be happy to play test the rules as a solo 'gamer if you're interested.

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:24 pm
by yar68
Great photos Barry, love the torches! Very clever!

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:38 pm
by Redmist1122
Definitely sounds like a lot of fun! Our group here in Tucson has been on a "Skirmish" kick lately, and would welcome a play-test of the rules.

I'm the only one as of late that is still driving BIG games with based figures, but this is well worth the try.

Thank you for the consideration.

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:12 pm
by barr7430

Yup can include those above interested in the play testing very soon.

For anyone remotely interested in making the torches...

small piece of wire (use for pikes)
small dollop of milliput on one end, wok it a little so the surface is rough/pocked. When dry, use bostik and run it round the milliput blob, add kapok pre soaked in dark paint and dried. Squish around a bit. When dry snip of unsightly hairs (no, this is not a Brazilain waxing class :shock: ) Paint to taste.. Voila! I suppose this should be in the how to section :oops:

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:02 am
by yar68
Cheers for the how-to Barry! Just had to look up what kapok was??? Sounds like a Kevin Spacey film to me! :wink:

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:35 am
by EvilGinger
Soft toy wadding which can be bought in dress makers in various forms so your offspring's cuddly toys are safe :D

:twisted: Ginger

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:57 am
by barr7430's a suburb of Leeds ... no that's Kippax :wink:

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:17 pm
by Heneborn
So, the assistance of the 7 are required again... ;)

Me and the others at Yggdrasil would love to playtest the rules!

You've actually got me quite excited about these rules with all those teasing pics.

And this might be the perfect starting point for that long overdue Scanian Wars project...and a little break from painting green for the Poltava project... ;)

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:29 am
by barr7430
I've just spent 6 hours revising the Factions section of the rules and Clarence now has all of the play test notes from Dave and my recent game. The playtest groups will be mustering soon!
Andreas if you and your team are up for it you are in again!, Greg in Arizona is also on the list as is Joe I think. Jim anda few others have also expressed an interest. We'll be in touch! 8)

Re: Playtest pix of the Cultists fighting simple townsfolk

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:36 pm
by Heneborn
Sounds great! Can't wait!