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Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:54 pm
by Glorfindel
Many of you will be familiar with the excellent Kronoskaf 'Seven Years War' site. As you may know, the same team have set up a similar site covering the War of Spanish Succession.

I am trying to help Richard Couture, one of the site contributors, to expand information on Dutch cavalry of the period (Dutch national or contracted in). Richard has asked if I have any information on a "Saint-Paul Cavalry Regiment". The only reference I can find is in Nafziger where they appear to be operating in Flanders in December 1702.

I've checked Robert Hall's superb CD on the Dutch Army (and Mark Allen's series of articles) and can't find anything.

I wonder if anyone on this site has any information on this Regiment ? I'm a bit stuck and can't find anything out about them (if they even existed). As is often the case, they may be known by another name.

Thank you,


Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:03 pm
by Dfogleman2
There was a Saint Pol infantry regiment, that was Hanoverian in Dutch pay.

Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:52 pm
by danschorr
Dannie is correct. St Pol (Paul) was a Hanoverian subsidy regiment in Dutch service. See Hall page 401 where it is spelled Paul instead of Pol. No cavalry regiment.

Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:46 pm
by Glorfindel
Thank you for the replies. This is very much appreciated.

I must admit that I was aware of the St-Pol(Paul) Regiment. This is the Infantry Regiment Louis de St Paul des Estangs hired by the Dutch between 1694-97 and again between 1701-13.

I did indeed wonder whether there had been a mix-up here and asked Richard where he had come across the reference to the Saint-Paul Cavalry Regiment. His reply is below :

"The reference to Saint-Paul Cavalry comes from the book of Pelet & Vault for the campaign of 1702 (vol. 2) on page 645 as part of the order of battle of the Allied army in the Low Countries . The regiment is
reported at 2 squadrons and is stationed in Dutch Flanders.on 21 Dec. 1702.

Another source is the website of Jean-Louis Vial who has an order of
battle "Liste des troupes des États Généraux des Provinces Unies en
1701" where there is a cavalry regiment desiganted as "Régiment de Paul" of 312 men. Another member mentioned that this order of battle
originated from Lamberty's "Memoires Pour Servir A L'Histoire Du XVIII
Siecle", pp. 678-679."



Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:27 pm
by Friedrich August I.
Well, in my own researches I stumbled frequently across the term "Squadron" referring to Infantry!
I believe the named sources termed them in Error as Cavalry.

If you like to take a look on the link to a OOB of the Allies in Flanders 1702.
Opening the pdf and increasing its size to at least +190% you will find right in the center - a yellow square - named St.Paul as part of a Brigade of Troops on Foot.

You also find the names of the Generals in Command written between the Battle Lines: Major Generals.... St.Paul.Oxenstirna...?

They have to be Foot as on the left Flank of the first and secong Line stood Schulenburg with two Regiments of Horse (one of them is termed as "Dragons du Roy").


Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:16 pm
by danschorr
It would seem that only French material has St. Pol as a cavalry regiment. There is obviously an error in the French OB material. I am surprised that one is only using French material for Allied OBs when there is Dutch and German OBs and other material available.

Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:08 am
by Glorfindel
Gunter / Dan,

Very many thanks for your replies. Looks as though this reference is likely to be an issue with the source material. I'll pass this on to Richard.

Thanks again,


Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:20 pm
by Graf Bretlach
A bit late to this but as soon as I read the title post I thought of the regiment of Generalmajor Louis de Saint-Pol des Estange who died at Lüttich of wounds received at Ramillies, reference of 5A in the conventional numbering system and 1665/9 in Tessin.

regiment present at the Schellenberg, Blenheim, Ramillies and Malplaquet among others.

Re: Cavalry Regiment Saint-Paul ?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:46 pm
by Glorfindel
Graf Bretlach,

Never too late ! Many thanks for your post. It very much sounds as though the reference is to the Hanoverian Infantry Regiment you mention.

Richard has asked me to pass on his thanks to the Forum. I'm actually hoping he'll join as I'm sure he would find this a great source of wisdom.

Anyway, thanks again.
