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League of Augsburg question

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:09 pm
by lenin
I think this question has been posed before, but could you please suggest any good books dealing with this period.
I have an old copy (1990) of the Sapherson book 'The Dutch Army of William III', are the descriptions of flags, uniforms etc still valid, or are they outdated?
I am, as has been said by others, enthused by the pictures in the gallery. They reminded me of the reasons I got involved in this hobby in the first place, way back in the murky depths of my youth. After many diversions, the colour and splendour of this period has reawakened my longing to get involved.
Cheers, Andy :)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:25 pm
by barr7430
Hi Andy,

short term the easiest thing to do is trawl around the forum under various entries you´ll find references to good books on the period. As there are now so many requests for source material I´ll draw up a list and stick it in the WARCHEST.
Alan Sapherson is a good resource although of course there will be genuine mistakes in all work. A Dutch wargamer and talented artist Mats Elzinga lives near the regimental museum of the Nassau Friesland Guards and has pointed out that the flag Sapherson attributes to them(and I have on my unit)is incorrect. He has actually drawn the `correct` flag and posted it on David Imrie's website(see links section here). Wargames Illustrated back issues on CD are a verz cost effective source. Get the Mark Allen articles between issues 47-100 or so. These are very good as source.
When I get back to the UK I'll do the reference list.



Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:49 pm
by lenin
Thanks Barry,
All advice greatfully accepted. The idea of doing a reference list is a good idea, and may help stop 'repeat' questions like mine.
I am now busy painting troops to represent the Anglo-Scottish Brigade that seved in the Augsburg Alliance (having persuaded myself that it is this and not the later SWS that I'm going to try and recreate.) With this in mind, is there anyone handy who can advise me on the uniforms and colours of this Brigade. It will save me many housr of research and slow down the steady drip of money toward the booksellers.

Cheers, Andy :oops:

Anglo-Scots Dutch Brigade

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 1:09 pm
by barr7430
A brigade of `British' soldiers paid by Holland and effectively fighting as subsidy or more precisely mercenary troops.

Three Scots Regiments:

Ramsay later Graham, later Colyear
Mackay later Murray
Balfour later Lauder

Ramsay - red coat white cuffs, waistcoat and stockings
Mackay- red coat, red cuffs, waistcoat and stockings(some sources say white facings and waistcoat)
Balfour: Red coat yellow cuffs etc

Fought at Killiecrankie where they were butchered. Also I believe fought in Ireland as well as Flanders. They returned to England during Monmouth's rebellion as a goodwill gesture from Willem but were not engaged.

Three English Regiments:

Tollemache's(Pronounced Talmash)

Red coats. Facings likely to be grey or white. Returned from Dutch service in 1688 with Willem and fought in Ireland. Were at Aughrim I think.
Never returned to Dutch service and at least one was absorbed into the regular establishment.

See LoA Gallery section for Mackay's & Ramsay's. As colonel's colours I've given them the family crests of the colonel's Hugh Mackay of Scourie(in Sutherland or Caithness I think) and George Ramsay.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 9:37 pm
by lenin
Thanks Barry,
That is just what I needed to be going on with
Cheers, Andy