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Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:19 am
by barr7430
Link sent to me by Lindsay.Interesting site for a variety of reasons....

Nice figures(but only one pack available at the moment).

Very direct challenge to competitors but slightly contradictory messages about happy coexistence etc( confused me a little)

VERY HEAVY SELL with a home page which looks untidy and full of highlighted text boxes

Unusual 'About Us' page also.... all seemed a bit philosophical.... maybe it's just me :oops:

I liked the figures though!! and saw a couple of people I know endorsing them on the homepage..You get around Clarence!!! and Gary Martin from the EK Flames of War Gang...

Thanks for the link Lindsay it IS good. :D


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:55 pm
by ghorvers
I find a site like that almost impossible to read and therefore self defeating. I did have a look at the "About us" but quickly lost interest. It may be me as well :roll:

Not into FOW (still to be introduced/convinced) and would prefer 28mm over 15mm so...

Anyway, nice figures, and a site visted but not bookmarked. Still, interesting, thanks for sharing.


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:20 pm
by barr7430
Yes your comments are interesting too Geert. My initial reaction was to give up as the site was very irritating to read.. however I did notice the names of two people who I know personally on the 'comments' column and that kept me reading. The figures are quite nice when compared beside contemporaries.

I was a most avid FoW sceptic but have grown to like them now. The games are fun(oops are wargamers supposed to use that word :?: :oops: )



Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:07 pm
by ghorvers
" I was a most avid FoW sceptic but have grown to like them now. The games are fun(oops are wargamers supposed to use that word Question Embarassed ) "

Surely the games need to be fun, they would not be games otherwise. FOW looks like a lot of fun and is set to be very succesful because it helps the gamer along and puts the focus on the fun parts - at least that's my impression from the outside looking in. It is certainly something I will consider, but not right now.
Right now, I want to immerse myself in some 18th century stuff...or do some straightforward fun WWII game... in 28mm. Why? To keep cost down (do skirmish, less figures but equal the fun) or well, that's the idea anyway...

Still, your Panzer Ace game looks like it could be a winner too :D


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:25 pm
by ghorvers
Having just had another look, I'll have to agree those figures do look good. And the painting is excellent.


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:49 am
by quindia
Hi, guys.

I actually got some sample packs of precast Germans in the mail and found the models to be very good for the most part. Some had anatomy issues, but the line is a work inprogress and I think they intend to weed out such models. My only problem was they seem to vary in scale and most are larger than the collection of Battlefront models I already have.

Still there were some nice figures in the batch sent to me with a large variety of poses.