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Buying Mercenaries Yuri?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:12 pm
by barr7430
What's this I heard Count Yuri?? Your Persil White Russians are 'buying' Bolshevik cavalry from Komrade Imrieski?
Since he has decided to flee the country in the run up to Mayhem on the Frontier Part Deux, did his communist ruffians decide they wanted to get in the fight at any price?? :shock:

Look forward to poisonig your Yak's Milk in a few weeks :twisted:

The Count
(yes I did spell it properly) :shock:

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:27 am
by thinredline
Amazing how one manages to "miss" things, must be old age creeping up on me.

Sadly, as you will recall from last weekends action, the said recruits were confined to barracks. Something to do with being replaced by an armoured car. Well, that's what they call progress!

The acquisition of more field artillery from the same quarters has also bolstered my own contingent, and Duncanski and I are working on the tanks!

Might have been last - but at least I'm not DEAD.

Yuri Deadovitch (Count)

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:45 pm
by barr7430

I haven't actually got the hang of this talking from the 'other side' :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:45 pm
by thinredline
Another Squadron of "Inniskillen's arrived to bolster the Ranks of the "Heavy Brigade" curtesy of Phil, (along with a pound or two in weight of unpainted troopers) :D :D

Duncan was asked his opinion of the painting standard, and the reply was "ACE, certainly better than your's dad " :shock:

That'll teach me me not to ask silly questions, especially when the answer is so obvious :oops: :oops:

That takes the British Cavalry up to about a 7:1 ratio :shock: :shock:
