Shop - 28mm Figures 1630-1720

OTC05a Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (open handed)
OTC05a Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (open handed) three variants of riders and horses


OTC05b Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (swords)
OTC05b Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (swords) Glue on right arms. Horses and equipment randomized.


OTC05c Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (pistols)
OTC05c Ottoman Sipahis variant 1 with arm options (pistols) Glue on right arms. Equpment and horses randomized.


OTC06a Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (open handed)
OTC06a Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (open handed) 3 variants on riders and horses


OTC06b Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (swords)
OTC06b Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (swords) Glue on right arms. Equipment and horses randomized.


OTC06c Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (pistols)
OTC06c Ottoman Sipahis variant 2 with arm options (pistols) Glue on right arms. Equipment and horses randomized.


OTC07 Armoured Sipahis Command
OTC07 Armoured Sipahis Command 3 models with horses, selection of arms and accessories


OTC08 Ottoman armoured sipahis Lancers
OTC08 Ottoman armoured sipahis Lancers 3 models with horses and accessories


OTC09 Armoured sipahis Archers
OTC09 Armoured sipahis Archers split waist figures - 3 variants with horses and accessories


OTC10 Ottoman Armoured sipahis Firearms
OTC10 Ottoman Armoured sipahis Firearms 3 variants with horses and accessories
