About The League of Augsburg
The League of Augsburg is a name I use for my wargaming efforts. My interest in toy soldiers began at a very early age and has remained a life long passion. The League's demo trail began in 1992. The name came from an acquaintance and was appropriate because my focus was on the period 1685 to 1714. Although well known for demo games of the Grand Alliance period we were not the first to give it exposure. Since 2005 LoA has been a solo organization. On the demo circuit I cooperate with friends David Imrie, Dave O'Brien, Adrian Howe & Bob Talbot. I am part of The League of Gentlemen Wargamers, a loose association of nice chaps from all over Scotland and England who meet for a weekend every 4 months. Our games are large and ambitious in scope. I enjoy writing and contribute to Wargames Illustrated. I have in the past written for Battlegames, HMG in the US, Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, CSG's Wargamer's Annual and Wargames Journal. My main creative writing outlet is through my partnership with the hugely talented Mr Clarence Harrison of Quindia Studios fame. We have 3 rule sets published: Beneath the Lily Banners in 2008, Republic to Empire in 2009 and now the 2nd edition of Beneath the Lily Banners in 2011.
I continually draw inspiration from many other wargamers and sites and hope you find something inspiring here!
Barry Hilton