A simple yet genuine hello to all here

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Paul Darnell
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A simple yet genuine hello to all here

Post by Paul Darnell » Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:17 pm

Just got around to joining Barry's site and big thanks for taking the time to do so Barry. (God knows where he finds the time).

Projects I am working on this year are the Sudan and ACW, with a little of everything else thrown in. I have a new and very large workshop here in York so life, which has been a little grim for a while is now looking rather good.

So just wanted at this stage to say hello and look forward to reading and posting stuff here. Cheers - Paul from Touching History.
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Post by barr7430 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:29 pm

Welcome Paul! :D

Look forward to seeing and hearing about your new projects.. as always I am sure they will look top drawer!


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Post by quindia » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:56 pm

Hi. Paul!

I am a big fan of your terrain work! Welcome to the forum...
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Paul Darnell
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Location: York UK

Projects for 2010

Post by Paul Darnell » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:20 pm

Thanks first to Barry and Clarence for the kind words and hello. They are both damn fine painters and jolly creative chaps.

Now that I have a little more room for my work/hobby and could actually swing quite a fat cat around my workshop (or games room if I am out to impress anyone) I can indulge myself a little and so my thoughts have turned to a few Wargames projects for 2010.

The Sudan has again captured my attention, but from a model making point of view. Always rather favouring the under dog, I have started to make part of the city of Omdurman and the Mahdi's tomb, which the British blew up after the battle. Once this is done I shall move onto making some villages along the Nile and other typical features of the Sudan. I hope to get gaming the period at some time, but for now its about making the models and taking some good photos of them with a few figures.

The second project is the ACW and I'm making some typical terrain with a small town which can also be used as a railway station, both of which are ripe for cavalry raids. Throw in a few blockhouses, a fort and the odd farm and you have a layout which offers a lot of potential for large scale skirmish games.

The third new thing this year is that I'm converting figures for both the above periods and a few Napoleonics. This is something that I'm really enjoying as its great to make unique figures.

So that's a short intro into what I am up to and now its down in print, if you see me at any show with another period, its ok to boo and throw dice at me.

Cheers for now

Paul of Touching History

Your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off[quote][/quote]
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