Carronade overtakes Claymore

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Angus Konstam
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Posts: 78
Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:19 am
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Post by Angus Konstam » Thu May 08, 2008 11:26 am


The charity issue with Claymore has been a long-running battle, and in the Club the "givers" have always had their way. This year the donation has been scaled down, as the SESWC need to build up a Claymore "fighting fund", to cope with the inevitable costs of changing venue. Even then it was a tough battle! I've always been an ardent "sod charity" voter, but due to the limitations of democracy (i.e. idiots get to vote), then I've had to go with the flow!

This is probably going to be the last year in Meadowbank, as the wrecking ball is hovering. We've had a real problem finding a suitable alternative venue that isn't either prohibitively expensive, difficult for traders to use, or booked solid already. We think we've found somewhere, and we'll know in the next month or two if we've secured a new (and better) home for the show. If we don't, then the chances are the show will have to fold.

For my sins I'm on the Club committee, and I fully agree with the comments about Claymore. It has become a bit old and shabby over the years, and while Meadowbank is a good venue, its also cramped, dingy and there isn't a decent pub for miles! In our poster, we call ourselves Scotland's "premier" wargames show. I don't think we can claim to be the best any more, or even the largest, but at least we can trade on longevity!

Trust me, if we secure a new venue, we'll use that opportunity to give the show a major facelift. We've had several great ideas, but we've never really had the chance to put them into practice. We probably won't scale the show down (probably the reverse), and unfortunately a few of the down-at-heel traders have been "grandfathered in", as they've been coming for decades. However, if and when we get the green light for the new show venue, then we'll let you all know, and solicit suggestions and ideas which will help us plan and lay on a bigger, brighter and better show.

Meanwhile, I'll see y'all at Falkirk!

Best Wishes,

Angus Konstam (on behalf of the SESWC crowd)
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