The Flussgarten Rushes!

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Post by barr7430 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:27 am

As an impartial Umpire, in all fairness I do seem to remember Schnapps battalion lurking in a rather deep gully for an inordinate length of time AND I also recall the entire battalion popping out of said gully to shoot French Dragoons(I think) in the back, THEN hop back down into the gully after the volley was loosed!

I in no way wish to pass comment on the fieldcraft of East Prussian or Silesian Jaeger but I´ll wager that kind of bobbing and weaving is par for the course when duck shooting on the lakes, east of Berlin.

Now some may say, that´s what Jaeger are supposed to do and they may be right BUT it does add a little fuel to the fire and the persiflage between Mein Herr and Monsieur!

Carry On! :wink:

"If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are probably right"

Henry Ford

Post by Anonymous » Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:20 pm

My Dear Kellerman ( and inpartial umpire ? )
Once again I am forced to defend the highly effective performance of the most courageous unit on the field, are they in future to stand in the open to be ridden down by your flea bitten nags ? I think not. If your Dragoons will turn their backs to the enemy then they deserve all they get ! I can assure you gentlemen that the tactics employed by my Jaegers will I am confident become the norm for all Infantry combat in the future .
The portrait of myself was infact done before I joined the hostilities and I have to report it's condition was far from imaculate by the end , especially the breeches and undergarments after suffering the bombardment from the 12pdrs atop the Kopf des Monchs.
I feel sir that I must congratulate you on the success of your Lancers on my right flank, painfull as it was to watch I must salute you, but I would like to add that not all the troops routed were infact mine and those that were had forced marched to the sound of the guns and were mere militia deployed in column of march and not in any fit state to do anything ( thank you Mon umpire impartial !!! )

I bid you farewell for the moment
ps I still can't hear those bugles Bob.
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Due Credit

Post by thinredline » Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:50 pm

My dear Colonel,

Your praise of my gallant lancers is gratefully acknowledged.

Your quip about standing in the open to be ridden down by my Cavalry is however, not your only other option to "hiding".

I seem to recall some of your fellows forming square. Not only did they stand, they even had the affrontery to repel the bravest of my cavalry. I believe some credit is due to these staunch and brave fellows, and I salute them!

However, your comments regarding the infantry tactics and combat in the future must surely miss the mark, next you will be telling me that Jaeger will fall out of the Sky and you will call these supermen "Fallshirmjaeger"
If I see that, then it will truly be time to retire.



(PS - The bugles were definately that of the 10th coming up the road to Flussgarten to save the day from Adrian's onslaught)
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