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Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:52 pm
by Mikelewis
Barry and Bob,

Not sureif you've posted the extra column of text up yet - they look as though they could do with a little explanation - such as how you actually cause a casualty :-)

If using rules for Franco-Prussian you will need to account for the French Millatreuse (but limit them to using them in artillery batteries) and perhaps cover the different ranges of the different rifle types.

Castaway Arts in Australia make a Franco-Prussian range which is nice if a little stiff in the poses. Eureka have a limited number of 25mm figures.

My (unpainted as yet) 1100 figures are a mix of Foundry and Castaway..

Battle Honours also do an 1859 range which includes French and some useful cannons not covered by other ranges.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:24 pm
by obriendavid
So if you do Crimean War how much of a leap would it be to do the Franco-Prussian War with the rules you have? Who makes good figures in 25/28mm? I know about the Foundry ones but does anyone else?

18th Century Guy (yes, this is late 19th Century but I've always like the FPW)

Mirleton do various Italian states as well as Austrians, Eureka make lovely Austrians as well as Danes for the Schleswig Holstein war.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:26 pm
by obriendavid
Sorry I also forgot to add that Castaway do FPW figures and a new company called Askari miniatures do some gorgeous French Zouves and Turcos.



Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:46 pm
by thinredline

The original version appeared in W.I.75, then re-published in W.I.134 (Nov. 98) page 14 with due credit and acknowlegment to the original author "Stephen Simpson".

First things first, Regiments/units use bases in Multiples of 4, so you can easily identify casualty rates on each unit. 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 each. Raw units will absorb 25% casualities, before breaking, line 50% and elite or veteran 75%. You choose how many of each (raw, line, elite) in each army to provide the balance, and identify each with a coloured marker.

1/ Turn sequence can be decisive in a melee. at the start of EACH turn, dice for it on a D6

2/ Winner of inititive gets to move, fire or engage in melee. Any actions (movment, charges, withdrawls or changes in formation) must be declared and diced for on a D10, four or above is OK, carry out your declared action. 1,2,or 3 and you cannot carry out the action, but may fire in your turn.

3/ Player two defends against firing or melee by throwing a D8 AND A D6 for morale/combat resolution. D8 is positive, D6 is negative. Add these up and apply the cumulitive total of the factors under combat resolution. A total result of zero or above and there are no casualties. A negative number results in the unit being quartered, ie, it loses 25% of the bases in the unit. Subsequent rounds will see the csaualty proportions rise and units will start to fall depending on the status. If you do not like removing casualties, just reverse face a base in the unit which has been quartered.

4/ the second player repeats phase 2/above. You can see that initive will become important in later stages of the game where units may be on the point of routing.

5/ First player then tests for casualties on D8 -D6 and cumulitive factors as in phase 3 above. then back to initiative for the second round.

Change movement and Firing to suit, even add new catergories as required, as for example to take account of your Millatreuse as you see fit. Do the same with the factors if you think one is too weak, unaccounted for or too strong.

The rules can become as adaptable as your imagination and it takes two minutes on the computer changing them. As I have suggested, one umpire can produce a very quick and fair minded game between 4 and 6 teenagers, or can play along with like minded adults to achieve a fast flowing game without recourse to 60 page editions of published rulesets.

I have tried this out on Jacobites, Crime and ACW tweaking to suit as required. What you see is what you get, simple easy reference quick play.
Umpires can always throw in wild cards and rule on any dispute or interpretation of the rules, as long as they are applied to both sides evenly.

Hope you will find this a little more illumiating, best way is try them out on a small number of units to start with. You will be surprised how quick you will pick it up.

Need any more help, please do not be afraid to ask. Hope you enjoy them

Thin Red Line

Rules ans such like

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:46 am
by Anonymous
Fields of Honor from Pinnacle Entertainment Group/Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment

Fix Bayonets! from Imagine Image Multimedia

Grande Bataille/Grande Victoire from Absinthe Press

In the Age of Bismarck and Napoleon III from Rank & File Figures

They Died For Glory From Quantum Press

Volley & Bayonet from The Emperor's Headquarters
Iron Brigade Miniatures do 25/28mm French Foreign Legion

Simcast (Frontier, Eagle, Outpost)Crimean War
Austro-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War

B&B Miniatures In 20mm Franco-Prussian War

Falcon Miniatures Franco-Prussian War

Frei Korps 15 Prussian Wars

Outpost Wargame Services Franco-Prussian War

Ral Partha Enterprises/Minifigs Franco-Prussian War
Crimean War

Rank & File Franco-Prussian War
Crimean War

Simcast (Frontier) Franco-Prussian War

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:13 am
by Mikelewis
Thanks for the rules explanation - the only thing I was really unclear about was the casualties and that is clear now.

I'll try and give the rules a go soon - I'm halfway through rebasing my Crimean stuff that I purchased and I've been sorting out the mound of FPW lead with a view to starting on some French.

Ogf course, getting distracted into painting up some 54mm ACW as an experiment for Brother vs Brother isn't helping :-)
