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Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:55 pm
by bibio
Am i missing something the last time i was on that sight there had'nt been anything new on it for years

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:22 pm
by quindia
I LOVE the Major's site! No it hasn't been updated in years, but it must be among the first wargames sites I ever bookmarked. In fact the link is still on the... err... links page of my website.

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:59 pm
by Duke of Plaza-Toro
obriendavid wrote:Our club ran a great campaign over a few years which you can see on this link but if you are of a nervous PC frame of mind don't bother looking.

Wasted away a very entertaining hour reading all that Dave. Very inventive. I particularly liked the "Petramco International Security Service Overseas Force" :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:29 am
by obriendavid
I hope the hour wasn't too wasted?
We have been discussing recently about reactivating the campaign and adding some new forces into the mix.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:10 am
by Duke of Plaza-Toro
"Wasted" in a nice way.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:58 pm
by Col Chris
Hello everyone. This being my first post, I'd like to say a BIG thank you to both Barry and Clarence for setting up and running the games at Historicon. I am 100% new to Napoleonics. They don't teach much about this period in US high schools, unless you're lucky I guess. I have been primarily a fantasy/scifi gamer since 1985 when Battletech came out and then in 1987 when 40K entered the world I was done. I even worked 9 years for Games Workshop...I digress

I met Barry Thursday night while he and Clarence were running one of the games and watched for a bit. As they stated, you had to be blind to miss the table-PRIME location. And as soon as I saw the table and models I was sucked in. Spoke with them for a bit and Barry told me to register for Friday's game and come by his lecture at 9am on Friday. So I did both. The lecture was very informative and a lot of fun. I then played in the R2E game on Friday night and had a blast. Barry and Clarence did a great job running the game and explaining the rules, and as Barry stated, Hugh and Tyler really helped out. I had never read the rules and by the end of the game I felt comfortable with them and can not wait to play again, once my gaming group assembles their armies of course; they've all purchased the book. It was totally awesome to play with such amazing models and on such a beautiful table with such terrific hosts. I look forward to next Historicon if you both will be attending.

I look forward to learning a lot from you all and I'm sure I'll ask lots of questions when I'm able to jump online, so please bear with me because there is certainly a lot to learn. I also look forward to purchasing the 2nd edition of Beneath the Lily Banner this fall.



Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:47 am
by mikeb
barr7430 wrote:It is a world best left unexplored by us I think. I believe Clarence and I did enough at Historicon to get on the radar of such 'nomination' situations for the future for whatever that is worth.
I personally am not involved in the hobby to win 'gongs' my mission is much more evangelical :wink: (as you now realise Tyler :lol: )

CH and I will continue ploughing our little furrow and attempting to rebutt accusations of complexity from the many headed, combined with weadling out the sniping from 5th columnists within the body of the Kirk :wink:

Enough enigma there to keep everyone going for a while :lol:
................ There are a few things you should know about American Napoleonic gamers and about Historicon in particular. Having been a member of HMGS-East since the 1980's I have been to many-many cons. There is a small inner circle of members for who these awards and other sillyness are important, but ignored by the majority of members. Don't feel left out by them. It is not a litimus test of how well your rules are percieved or played.

On to Napoleonic games and gamers: Once the pride of Historicons, we see fewer and fewer Napoleonic games being played and hosted and it seems there are fewer and fewer Napoleonic collectors. While at the same time the Napoleonic gaming crowd is an ever critcal gang. Once again, posts on TMP and elsewhere are not a messure of the game's acceptance. Hosting a "pretty game" as you did goes a long way to selling the rules. Being there in person and chatting up your game does more than any award or Internet post.

American Historical gaming has been in decline for some time. I want to thank you and your team for raising the bar on historical games and rules and taking the time and expense to come for a visit. This is what will put historical gaming back on track. Not awards or the self appointed big shots.

Mike Bruck

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:00 am
by barr7430

thanks for that very insightful Insider's view. There is no way I as a foreigner and Clarence as a 'Newbie' to the US Convention scene could have detected the trend, the nuance or the politics mentioned. Interestingly, the threads which receive the most postings on TMP are those concerned with internal HMGS issues (several tomahawks are being either honed or buried in skulls there) or championing/pillorying sets of rules. There are clearly masters of the multiple ID on TMP who manipulate threads to their own ends. All fascinating but at the same time a bit sad and self absorbed.
As you say awards are probably no indication of commercial success or adoption. We have probably had the quietest ride when compared with Napoleon, Black Powder and Lasalle but our sales have been very good, we are finally in the black and reaction from those who have played is excellent.
Clarence and I are likely to launch two further websites this year one to exclusively support Republic to Empire and another to support Beneath the Lily Banners. We are exploring the mechanics of this now.
Combine this with the release of at least 1 more title after BLB2 in 2010 and the possibility of a tie in with a brand new figure range and it'll have been our busiest year yet!

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:26 pm
by kiwipeterh
Oh! Lots to digest there. Another release after BLB2 in 2010 ... a possible tie in with a brand new figure range.

But the most interesting for me is the dedicated Republic To Empire website the possibility of which had already been raised earlier on another thread. I'll look forward to this. Potentially this will allow a more structured support for the rules ... not that I' complaining about the current setup!! 8)

von Peter himself

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:42 pm
by barr7430

we have so many things on the go it is sometimes difficult to prioritize :oops:
Historicon was the major 'promo' for 2010. We put a lot of effort into that and it paid off. We are now back on the publication trail so..

1. BLB2 sometime in the Autumn/Fall
2. Scenario book for BLB sometime in the Winter
3. Revamped LoA Website
4. New BLB website
5. New R2E website
6. New figure range (there are already 50+ different codes finished another 20+ in the pipe). It'll get a proper launch and be supported by a variety of other products including a flag range and support literature.
7. Possible publication of an expanded Victory without Quarter
Watch this space :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:47 pm
by Heneborn
barr7430 wrote: 6. New figure range (there are already 50+ different codes finished another 20+ in the pipe). It'll get a proper launch and be supported by a variety of other products including a flag range and support literature.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:07 pm
by toggy
This sounds very interesting, looks like Santa's gonna be busy this year.


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:13 pm
by flick40
Barry had some samples of this figure range at Historicon and they blended in nicely with existing figures on the market. For people like me who don't have the skills to make figure conversions there is plenty of variety to choose from. I look forward to them becoming available.


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:48 pm
by kiwipeterh
barr7430 wrote:Peter,

we have so many things on the go it is sometimes difficult to prioritize :oops:
Historicon was the major 'promo' for 2010. We put a lot of effort into that and it paid off. We are now back on the publication trail so..

1. BLB2 sometime in the Autumn/Fall
2. Scenario book for BLB sometime in the Winter
3. Revamped LoA Website
4. New BLB website
5. New R2E website
6. New figure range (there are already 50+ different codes finished another 20+ in the pipe). It'll get a proper launch and be supported by a variety of other products including a flag range and support literature.
7. Possible publication of an expanded Victory without Quarter
Watch this space :wink:

Your enthusiasm & energy astound me. Long may it last.

von Peter himself